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Manelistul Dani Mocanu, condamnat la ani de închisoare cu executare, pentru tentativă de omor

Manelistul Dani Mocanu a fost condamnat într-un nou dosar penal. 5 ani și 9 luni de închisoare a primit, pentru tentativă de omor. O pedeapsă cu doar o lună mai scurtă a primit fratele controversatului artist. 

Manelist Dani Mocanu was sentenced to 5 years and 9 months in prison for attempted murder, related to a 2022 incident where he and his brother assaulted a man. His brother received a slightly shorter sentence. Mocanu was previously sentenced to 6 years and 5 months for pimping and money laundering. The current sentence is not final and can be appealed.

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