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Marele combinat siderurgic oprit în timpul iernii. Povestea colosului unde munceau 20.000 de români

Puțin peste 500 de oameni mai lucrează în Combinatul ArcelorMittal Hunedoara, în trecut unul dintre marile centre siderurgice din sud-estul Europei. Combinatul privatizat în anii 2000 are o istorie de aproape un secol și jumătate, iar în prezent se confruntă cu dificultăți economice.

The ArcelorMittal steel plant in Hunedoara, once a major employer with over 20,000 workers, now employs only about 500 people. Facing economic challenges, particularly high energy costs, the plant has laid off workers and reduced salaries. In December, workers were placed on technical unemployment, and in January, the plant shut down for six weeks, with salaries cut to 75%. The plant, with a history dating back over 140 years, was a key player in Romania's steel production, especially during the communist era. However, after the 1990s, it declined, and privatization in the 2000s failed to revive it. The plant's struggles significantly impact the local community, where a quarter of the population once worked there.

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