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Mentre in Italia vogliamo abbattere i lupi, in Scozia si pensa a quanto sarebbe utile reintrodurli

Secondo un nuovo studio, la reintroduzione del lupo in Scozia aiuterebbe a tenere sotto controllo il numero di cervi, permettendo la rigenerazione delle foreste e contribuendo così a sequestrare fino a un milione di tonnellate di CO2 ogni anno.Continua a leggere

In Italy, wolves are often perceived as threats to livestock and local economies, leading to calls for their culling. In contrast, in Scotland, where wolves have been extinct for about 250 years, there is consideration of reintroducing them to benefit the environment and climate. A study suggests that reintroducing wolves could help control deer populations, regenerate forests, and sequester up to one million tons of CO2 annually. However, the idea faces opposition. Both countries' approaches reflect differing visions of human-wildlife coexistence.

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