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Mesaj ferm din partea lui Lavrov: Rusia va pune capăt luptelor din Ucraina numai cu un acord care să „convină” intereselor sale

Moscova a transmis luni, prin intermediul ministrului de Externe, Serghei Lavrov, că este deschisă pentru negocieri care să pună capăt războiului din Ucraina, care durează de trei ani, dar că trupele sale vor înceta să…

Sergey Lavrov, Russia's foreign minister, has made it clear that Russia will only cease hostilities in Ukraine if a peace agreement aligns with its interests. During his recent meetings in Turkey, marking the third anniversary of the invasion, Lavrov stated that Russia is open to negotiations with Ukraine, Europe, or any credible representatives seeking peace. However, he emphasized that hostilities will only stop if negotiations yield a definitive and lasting outcome favorable to Russia. Lavrov also requested the U.S. to appoint a representative for peace talks, while criticizing Europe for wanting the war to continue, unlike the U.S., which appears more inclined toward ending the conflict.

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