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Mirele scăpat din brațe la propria nuntă a dat nas în nas cu cei care l

O nuntă organizată în toamna anului 2021 la Băile Felix s-a transformat într-un coșmar. Ginerică și-a fracturat coloana după ce câțiva invitați au dat cu el de pământ la propriu. Nuntașii l-au aruncat în aer, […]

In 2021, at a wedding in Băile Felix, the groom, Mirele, was involved in a dangerous prank where guests lifted him into the air. During the second attempt, he fell hard, fracturing his spine in two places. Rushed to the hospital, he spent two months immobilized and seven months on medical leave. He continues to experience pain, undergoing physiotherapy twice weekly. Working as an electrician in Germany, his productivity is hindered by ongoing discomfort. His wedding, costing 30,000 euros, became a nightmare, as detailed in an article from CANCAN.RO.

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