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Nella villetta di Castel Volturno 750 kg di droga: valore 3 milioni, è il sequestro più grande degli ultimi anni

Maxi sequestro di stupefacenti nel Casertano: scoperto un hub di smistamento della droga, valore di mercato 3 milioni di euro; in manette, in flagranza, tre uomini e una donna.Continua a leggere

Carabinieri in Naples conducted a successful operation in Castel Volturno, seizing 750 kg of drugs, including 745 kg of hashish and 4.5 kg of marijuana, valued at 3 million euros. This is the largest seizure in recent years. Four individuals—three men from Naples and a local woman—were arrested during the operation. The charges include drug trafficking and illegal possession of weapons. The seized drugs were stored in a villa, which was identified as a distribution hub.

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