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News des Tages: Schuldendebatte, Elon Musk schadet Tesla, Machtmissbrauch beim Max

Elon Musk wird für Tesla zur Belastung. Im Bundestag kämpfen Union und SPD für ihren historischen Schuldenplan. Und junge Forscher klagen über Machtmissbrauch in Max-Planck-Instituten. Das ist die Lage am Donnerstagabend.

The German publication DER SPIEGEL reports on three main topics: the ongoing debt debate in the German Bundestag, the negative impact of Elon Musk's behavior on Tesla's business, and allegations of abuse of power against young researchers at Max Planck Institutes. The Tesla share price has dropped, and some customers are removing Tesla logos in protest against Musk. Allegations against the Max Planck Society involve reports of researchers being insulted and intimidated, with claims that the Max Planck Society's complaint system has failed.

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