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Noul plan privind industria curată: Reducerea prețurilor la energie sau strategie eșuată? Experții analizează dependența de gaze și viitorul regenerabilelor

Comisia Europeană va lansa miercuri, 26 februarie, un nou plan de acțiune privind industria curată (Clean Industrial Deal). Potrivit informațiilor apărute până acum în presa internațională, va fi un acord care vizează reducerea prețurilor la…

The European Commission is set to launch a new Clean Industry Plan aimed at reducing energy prices, with experts analyzing its potential effectiveness. The plan, expected to be unveiled by President Ursula von der Leyen, focuses on lowering energy costs and improving energy distribution across Europe. However, some experts question whether the strategy will succeed, given the EU's heavy reliance on imported gas and the structural challenges in reducing energy prices. Critics argue that the plan may not adequately address the region's dependence on gas imports or sufficiently invest in renewable energy sources.

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