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O proporție mai mare a străinilor nu înseamnă o infracționalitate crescută – concluzia unui studiu efectuat în Germania

O proporție mai ridicată a străinilor în ansamblul populației din Germania nu conduce în mod obligatoriu la o rată crescută a infracționalității, indică un studiu publicat marți de Institutul Ifo (Institutul Leibniz de cercetări economice…

A study conducted by the Ifo Institute in Germany found that a higher proportion of foreigners in the population does not necessarily lead to increased crime rates. Analyzing police data from 2018 to 2023, the study concluded that there is no correlation between the growing percentage of foreigners in a district and the local crime rate. This finding also applies to refugees. The study noted that foreigners may appear more frequently in crime statistics due to their higher concentration in urban areas, which tend to have higher crime rates regardless of ethnicity. The research was published five days before the German parliamentary elections, where immigration and security have been key issues in the campaign. The conservative bloc, led by the CDU and CSU, is leading in opinion polls, followed by the AfD party.

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