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Preotul Ciprian Mega, acuzat că a fost pus de Rusia în BOR, eliberat după ce a fost reţinut pentru că și

Preotul Ciprian Mega, acuzat de Episcopia Oradea că a fost „plantat” în Biserica Ortodoxă Română de Biserica Ortodoxă Rusă, a fost eliberat joi, 20 februarie, și plasat sub control judiciar, deși procurorii ceruseră arestarea preventivă pentru 30 de zile. „Respinge propunerea Parchetului de pe lângă Judecătoria Beiuş formulată în dosar nr. 91/P/2025, de arestare preventivă […]

Ciprian Mega, a priest and theater director in Oradea, was placed under judicial control after being accused by the Oradea Episcopate of being "planted" by the Russian Orthodox Church and serving interests beyond those of the Romanian Orthodox Church. He was initially detained for 24 hours after setting his car on fire, an act he allegedly promised to reveal corruption within the Episcopate before committing. Mega denies the accusations, stating he did not address political matters in church or receive foreign aid. He is married with four children and is known for his work in theater and the arts.

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