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Prise en charge des mineurs vulnérables : Des efforts notables malgré des défis persistants

La Direction générale de la protection judiciaire et sociale (DGPJS) a rendu public ce mardi son rapport national 2023, dressant un bilan de la prise en charge des enfants et jeunes en situation de vulnérabilité au Sénégal. Les chiffres révèlent que 17 057 mineurs (0-18 ans) victimes, témoins ou en conflit avec la loi, ainsi […] The post Prise en charge des mineurs vulnérables : Des efforts notables malgré des défis persistants appeared first on Walf NET.

Walf NET reports on efforts to support vulnerable minors amidst ongoing challenges. The article covers recent events including Ousmane SONKO's electoral win in Ziguinchor, low early voter turnout in early legislative elections, various politicians' voting experiences, and PASTEF ballot shortages. News also includes the arrest of Dionewar's mayor for migrant trafficking, demands for investigations into government spokesperson statements, Ilay CAMARA's national team selection, calls for harmonizing women's rights legislation, and international news like Cellou Dalein DIALLO's indictment and security concerns in Central African Republic and Burkina Faso. SONKO also launched economic initiatives in Koumpentoum.

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