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Proteste gegen rechts in Bayern: Grüne: Innenministerium ließ Demos auf CSU

Die Fraktion fordert Aufklärung über eine angebliche interne Anweisung an die Polizei. Demnach seien geplante Versammlungen gesondert zu erfassen, wenn sie sich auch gegen die Union richten. Das Innenministerium widerspricht: normaler Vorgang zur Gefahrenabwehr.

The Grüne party accuses the Bavarian Interior Ministry of misusing police resources for political purposes during demonstrations against far-right activities. They claim the ministry instructed police to specifically note demonstrations targeting the CSU under the keyword "against CDU/CSU." The Interior Ministry denies these allegations, stating that the use of such keywords is standard procedure for threat prevention and not politically motivated. The protests occurred after the Fünf-Punkte-Plan on asylum was passed with support from the AfD, leading to unrest and incidents of property damage near the CSU headquarters.

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