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Țările care provoacă deficitul comercial record al Statelor Unite. În ce situație se află Europa

În 2024, Statele Unite au înregistrat un deficit comercial record de 1,2 trilioane de dolari, importând semnificativ mai multe bunuri decât au exportat. Această problemă economică majoră reprezintă o provocare pentru președintele Trump, care a anunțat pe 13 februarie că administrația sa va revizui tarifele și barierele comerciale impuse exporturilor americane de alte țări, aplicând […]

The United States experienced a significant trade deficit of $1.2 trillion in 2024, with imports exceeding exports. Key contributors included Canada, Mexico, and China, which accounted for a combined deficit of $620 billion. The U.S. also faced deficits with Vietnam and India, due to shifts in supply chains away from China. While the U.S. maintained a surplus in services, the overall deficit reached approximately $918 billion. President Trump announced 25% tariffs on imports from these countries, with exceptions for some goods. Additionally, the U.S. faced trade imbalances with European countries, including a deficit of $85 billion with Germany, despite surpluses in energy exports to the Netherlands and the UK. The administration criticized European tariffs on U.S. exports and proposed reciprocal measures.

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