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România riscă să piardă banii din PNRR. Ciolacu, discuții tete

Marcel Ciolacu merge, vineri, 21 ferbuarie, într-o vizită de lucru la Bruxelles. Șeful executivului român va avea și o discuție tete-a-tete cu șefa Comisiei Europene, Ursula von der Leyen.

Romania faces the risk of losing funds from the PNRR due to payment request delays and blockages. Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu is set to meet European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in Brussels to discuss these issues, including a potential renegotiation of the PNRR. FACIAS has warned that PNRR funds are blocked, and some ministries may lose money due to poor performance. The Prime Minister has instructed each ministry to provide detailed analyses and reallocate funds to successful areas. The energy sector faces particular challenges, with the Minister of Energy needing to find a solution.

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