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Se retrag SUA din România? Expert de la Washington: „Guvernul trebuie să prezinte planuri de apărare și pentru acest scenariu”

Iulia Joja susține că deși nu există informații certe cu privire la faptul că la Riad s-a negociat retragerea trupelor SUA din Europa, această posibilitate se discută de mulți ani. În România, la fel ca în Polonia, guvernul trebuie să prezinte planuri de apărare cu privire la acest scenariu.

The possibility of U.S. troop withdrawal from Romania is being discussed, with experts advising Romania to prepare defense plans for such a scenario. Iulia Joja, an expert in European security, highlights that while there is no concrete evidence of U.S.-Russian negotiations on troop withdrawal, the possibility has been debated for years. Romania and Poland are urged to develop contingency plans, similar to Poland's public discussions on various defense scenarios, including partial or full U.S. withdrawal and potential cooperation with other NATO or EU forces. The article also notes concerns within NATO and the EU about Romania's ability to defend itself without U.S. support, given its geographic proximity to Russia and Belarus. The discussion underscores the need for Romania to engage in open dialogue with its government, military, and society to address potential security challenges.

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