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SNSPA închide cazul profesorului Marius Pieleanu: Nu sunt probe care să ateste vinovăția

Comisia de Etică a Şcolii Naţionale de Studii Politice şi Administrative (SNSPA) a hotărât, în unanimitate, în ședința organizată luni, să încheie procedurile aferente cazului referitor la profesorul Marius Pieleanu. Potrivit SNSPA, nu au fost identificate probe care să demonstreze vinovăția.

The Ethics Commission of the National School of Political and Administrative Studies (SNSPA) has closed the case against Professor Marius Pieleanu, citing insufficient evidence to prove his guilt. The decision followed a thorough review of complaints, which lacked conclusive proof such as witness testimony or audio-visual evidence. The commission noted that if new evidence emerges, the case could be reopened. Professor Pieleanu had previously suspended his work at SNSPA amid allegations of sexual harassment by former students, which arose during an investigation involving Alfred Bulai.

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