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Spitalul Militar București, cheltuieli imense din bani publici pentru halate, șervețele și saboți. Comandantul spitalului, legături cu generalul Zisu

Cercetat de DNA pentru abuz în serviciu, generalul Cătălin Zisu, comandantul Logisticii Armatei Române, are legături cu oficialități cu funcții la vârf, printre care se numără și general-locotenentul Florentina Ioniță-Radu, comandantul Spitalului Militar Central București.

The Spitalul Militar București has incurred significant expenses using public funds for medical supplies, including gowns, towels, and slippers. The hospital's commander, Florentina Ioniță-Radu, is linked to General Cătălin Zisu, who is under investigation for abuse of office. Ioniță-Radu and her husband are connected to real estate deals through Mario Impex 93 SRL, with her declaring a loan to the company. The hospital's purchases, such as 3.3 million lei for towels and 1.1 million for slippers, are notably higher than those of other military hospitals, raising concerns about fund misuse. Additionally, questions surround the legality of Ioniță-Radu's management contract and her extended leadership role beyond her military service end date in 2022.

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