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Stiftung Warentest: Acht von 14 Fahrradkindersitzen erhalten die Note gut

Sichere Kindersitze fürs Fahrrad müssen nicht teuer sein - zu diesem Ergebnis kommt die Stiftung Warentest. Acht von 14 untersuchten Sitzen bekommen eine gute Note. Noch sicherer sind allerdings Fahrradanhänger.

Stiftung Warentest found that 8 out of 14 tested bicycle child seats are "good," including affordable options in all tested categories (front, rear rack, and frame-mounted seats). While some top-rated rear seats are expensive, budget-friendly options also performed well. Safety concerns were noted in three "satisfactory" front seats. Reflective stickers are recommended for visibility. Despite good ratings, bicycle child seats are not considered the ideal transport solution for children.

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