Beijing +30: Driving accountability to end violence against women and girls (CSW69 Side Event) Welcome to the United Nations Economics
The Beijing Declaration and the Commission on the Status of Women League of Women Voters Events
Episcopal delegates to address global women’s issues, 30 years of Beijing Declaration at UNCSW Episcopal News Service Politics
Activities held across Beijing parks to mark Int'l Women's Day Global Times Politics
Chinese Ambassador to The Bahamas Yan Jiarong Publishes an Article on Beijing Declaration and China’s Development in Women’s Affairs_Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China MFA China Politics
Beijing Declaration at 30 in focus on International Women´s Day United Nations - Europe News Politics
Women’s rights then and now: "Beijing 1995 changed our lives" UN Women Politics
Roundtable: Status of Women Thirty Years After the Beijing Declaration Council on Foreign Relations Politics
Beijing+30 Youth Blog: Every time we stand up for women’s independence and their right to make their own choices, we move closer to a fairer world | UN Women – Europe and Central Asia Politics
Findings suggest unknown exposure source, lead author says, as study highlights potential health risks of high environmental lithium. Politics
Pregnant women and newborns in Beijing show high blood lithium levels: study South China Morning Post Events
Mystery lithium levels in Beijing’s pregnant women spark worries, study finds South China Morning Post Politics
Chinese feminists continue to resist amidst repression 30 years after Beijing Conference on Women International Service for Human Rights Politics
Study: Lithium levels particularly high in pregnant women in Beijing Table.Media Politics