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SUA au refuzat din nou să condamne agresiunea rusă în Ucraina într

Reprezentanții Statelor Unite s-au abținut miercuri să semneze o declarație a membrilor Organizației Mondiale a Comerțului (OMC) care condamnă agresiunea Rusiei în Ucraina, au declarat pentru Reuters o sursă diplomatică și un oficial comercial de…

The United States has again refused to condemn Russia's aggression in Ukraine within an international forum, abstaining from signing a declaration by World Trade Organization (WTO) members that condemns Russia's invasion and its impact on Ukraine's lives and economy. This marks the first time the U.S. has not supported such a declaration since Russia's large-scale invasion began in February 2022. The declaration was signed by 44 WTO members and Ukraine, including the European Union, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia. The U.S. delegation in Geneva did not immediately respond to requests for comment. The declaration condemned the devastating impact of Russia's invasion on Ukrainian lives and economy, particularly regarding global trade in essential goods like agricultural products, fertilizers, and critical minerals. The U.S. had previously voted against a UN General Assembly resolution condemning Russia's invasion and demanding the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukrainian territory. The U.S. was among 16 countries, including Russia, Belarus, and North Korea, that voted against the resolution. Meanwhile, Ukraine is undergoing a trade policy review at the WTO, and U.S.-Russia negotiations are set to resume in Turkey.

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