Jack Teixeira is facing military charges after already being sentenced to prison for leaking classified material. Events
U.S. Army soldiers accused of selling classified materials to China CBS News Events
Two US Army soldiers charged with selling military secrets to China The Record from Recorded Future News Events
Two soldiers and one former soldier accused of selling military secrets to China Stars and Stripes Events
US soldiers from PNW accused of selling classified info to China Fox 12 Oregon Events
U.S. Army soldiers accused of selling military secrets, including to China CBS News Events
U.S. Army Soldiers Arrested for Selling Military Secrets to China National Review Events
US army soldiers accused of selling military secrets to buyers in China CNN Events
WA JBLM soldiers charged with selling U.S. Army secrets to China FOX 13 Seattle Events
Korean police reportedly investigating woman who allegedly sold sensitive boarding information on numerous high-profile figures. Politics