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Vaticanul a încălcat o regulă importantă pe care o aveau de secole, din cauza îmbolnăvirii Papei Francisc. Despre ce este vorba

Vaticanul a respectat de-a lungul secolelor o regulă importantă, de a nu dezvălui detalii despre starea de sănătate a Papei, părintele spiritual al Bisericii Romano-Catolice. Recenta spitalizare a Papei Francisc, din cauza unei infecții respiratorii […]

The Vatican has broken a centuries-old tradition of secrecy regarding the Pope's health due to Pope Francis's recent hospitalization for a severe respiratory infection. During his stay at Rome's Gemelli Hospital, the Vatican provided daily updates, including details about his treatment, such as high-flow oxygen therapy and blood transfusions, and described a prolonged respiratory crisis. This shift towards transparency, which aligns with Pope Francis's open communication style, has been supported by journalists and experts, though some Vatican officials expressed concerns about misinformation. Pope Francis reportedly requested these updates himself.

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