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Velika popularnost 'Kumova': Jednu epizodu gleda pola milijuna ljudi

Dogodovštine junaka iz Zaglava, Macana, Akrapa i Gotovaca, njihove poštapalice i replike postale su svakodnevica domaćih gledatelja koji vjerno prate seriju 'Kumovi'. Popularna serija nedavno je u počela s emitiranjem adaptirane verzije u Mađarskoj. Direktorica produkcije Nove TV progovorila je o tajni uspjeha

The Croatian TV series 'Kumovi' has achieved significant popularity, with one episode being watched by half a million viewers. The show, featuring characters from Zagorje and their everyday lives, resonates with audiences due to its emotional, humorous, and universal themes. It is the most-watched series this year, with the first episode after a break attracting nearly half a million viewers and a 36% share, reaching over 700,000 viewers in total. In the latest period, it has reached almost 1.5 million viewers, making it the most-watched content during its slot and surpassing its competitor by 76%. The series' creator expressed pride in its success.

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