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VIDEO Diana Șoșoacă anunță că va candida din nou la prezidențiale: „Dacă CCR mai îndrăznește să

Europarlamentara Diana Șoșoacă, scoasă din cursa prezidențială în 2024 prin decizia Curții Constituționale, a anunțat luni că va candida din nou, spunând că a strâns aproape toate semnăturile necesare. „Domnul Georgescu a arătat de unde…

Diana Șoșoacă, a former presidential candidate who was disqualified by the Constitutional Court (CCR) in 2024, has announced her intention to run again for the presidency of Romania. She stated that she has nearly gathered all the required signatures to officially register her candidacy. Șoșoacă criticized the CCR and other officials, warning that if they attempt to block her candidacy, they will face the consequences they deserve. Her 2024 disqualification was based on the CCR's ruling that her campaign speeches posed a threat to democratic foundations and constitutional order.

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