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Volker Wissing sieht Mehrbedarf in Milliardenhöhe für Bahn und Straßen

Für die Straßen- und Bahninfrastruktur in Deutschland fehlen Milliarden Euro, sagt Bundesverkehrsminister Volker Wissing. Er lobt das von Union und SPD geplante Sondervermögen – sieht aber noch zu viele offene Fragen.

Volker Wissing, Germany's交通部长, has emphasized a significant funding gap of billions of euros for the country's railway and road infrastructure. While he commends the planned special fund by the Union and SPD for defense and infrastructure as an important signal, he highlights that many questions remain unresolved. Wissing advocates for a special fund of 500 billion euros for infrastructure maintenance and specifies that 25 billion euros are needed for federal highways between 2025 and 2029, with additional funding required for railway maintenance and expansion. He stresses the importance of sustainable and long-term financing solutions to prevent past mistakes.

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