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Von Norddeich nach Norderney: Reederei nimmt erste elektrische Fähre in Betrieb

Ein E-Katamaran soll Urlauber ab April umweltfreundlich übers Wattenmeer bringen. Für die Batterietechnik auf See ist die »Frisia E-I« ein großer Schritt, für das Klimaversprechen der Nordseeregion kommt sie spät.

The Norden-Frisia shipping company has launched Germany's first electric seagoing ferry, the "Frisia E-I," which will operate between Norddeich and Norderney starting April 4th. The electric catamaran, powered solely by electric motors, aims for climate-neutral transport to the island, with 60% of its electricity coming from the company's solar power and the rest from the grid. The company has built a charging infrastructure and aims for a closed loop of energy production and consumption. Batteries can be recharged in 28 minutes and the yearly consumption is around 920,000 Kilowattstunden.

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