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Zełenski: wojska europejskie w Ukrainie mogą być krokiem ku powołaniu europejskiej armii

Wspólny kontyngent wojskowy krajów europejskich na terytorium Ukrainy może być pierwszym krokiem w kierunku utworzenia wspólnych europejskich sił zbrojnych, które będą walczyć z Rosją w przypadku jej ponownej agresji – ocenił w poniedziałek prezydent Wołodymyr Zełenski.

President Zełenski suggests that European troops in Ukraine could be a step toward forming a European army. Germany has started early elections for the Bundestag. A major day of action, "Radarom!", highlights the harsh realities of the war and calls for support for Ukraine. A Ukrainian journalist emphasizes the need to combat societal divisions. Discussions are underway about freezing Russian assets to aid Ukraine. Lithuanian President Nausėda states that attempts to disrupt the coalition are unsuccessful. Cultural events are taking place in the Vilnius region. The Vatican is intensifying discussions on the possibility of the Pope resigning. The Times reports that the UK plans to propose a youth mobility program for EU countries. A Ukrainian citizen, Serhij S., was sentenced to 8 years in Poland for preparing sabotage.

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