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Жилищное строительство в РФ в феврале выросло на 23% г/г, за январь

Объем жилищного строительства в России в феврале 2025 года составил 10 млн 438,5 тыс.

In February 2025, residential construction in Russia increased by 23% year-over-year, reaching 10.4385 million sq m. For January-February 2025, the increase was 3.8%, totaling 21.4073 million sq m. In January 2025, construction decreased by 9.6% year-over-year, totaling 10.9688 million sq m. In 2024, residential construction decreased by 2.4%, with 107.7675 million sq m built. Data provided by Rosstat.

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6 дн. назад Инфляция в РФ в феврале составила 0,81%, годовая ускорилась до 10,06%,
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