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    [total] => 22902
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    [terms] => Array

    [language] => Array
            [0] => US

    [isos] => Array
            [US] => 22902

    [sql] => SELECT * FROM news_data  WHERE 1=1  AND iso MATCH 'US'  ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 100 OFFSET 0
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            [0] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => As Bruins bottom out, focus turns to maximizing NHL Draft odds for franchise savior
                    [sha] => 953817351
                    [url] => https://www.boston.com/sports/boston-bruins/2025/03/24/as-bruins-bottom-out-focus-turns-to-maximizing-nhl-draft-odds-for-franchise-savior/
                    [description] => The Bruins currently have a 6.5 percent shot of landing the No. 1 pick in the 2025 NHL Draft. The post As Bruins bottom out, focus turns to maximizing NHL Draft odds for franchise savior appeared first on Boston.com.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742862457
                    [extra] => 0

            [1] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Tragic avalanche accident in Turnagain Pass claims life of 16
                    [sha] => 3510311735
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                    [description] => Tragic avalanche accident in Turnagain Pass claims life of 16-year-old  youralaskalink
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                    [date] => 1742862240
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                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Review | When you can’t help care for your mom, so you send a robot
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                    [description] => Review | When you can’t help care for your mom, so you send a robot  The Washington Post
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                    [date] => 1742861942
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                    [title] => Pilot and Two Juveniles Rescued from Piper Crash at Tustumena Lake after Overnight Search
                    [sha] => 3297787042
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                    [description] => Pilot and Two Juveniles Rescued from Piper Crash at Tustumena Lake after Overnight Search  Alaska Native News
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                    [date] => 1742861727
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                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Somerville officials investigating suspicious fire ‘involving a portable toilet’
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                    [url] => https://www.boston.com/news/local-news/2025/03/24/somerville-officials-investigating-suspicious-fire-involving-a-portable-toilet/
                    [description] => “This is one of several suspicious fires that have occurred in the neighborhood in the past year." The post Somerville officials investigating suspicious fire ‘involving a portable toilet’ appeared first on Boston.com.
                    [category] => 5
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                    [date] => 1742861666
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            [5] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Three men arrested in drug trafficking operation distributing Tramadol in Alaska
                    [sha] => 457643178
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                    [description] => Three men arrested in drug trafficking operation distributing Tramadol in Alaska  youralaskalink
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                    [date] => 1742861640
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                    [title] => 2025 CONCACAF Gold Cup opener to be played at SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles
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                    [description] => 2025 CONCACAF Gold Cup opener to be played at SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles  NBC Los Angeles
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                    [date] => 1742861611
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                    [title] => Trump officials shared war planning in unclassified chat with journalist
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                    [description] => Trump officials shared war planning in unclassified chat with journalist  The Washington Post
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                    [date] => 1742861165
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                    [title] => Sam Kennedy: Red Sox’s new City Connect jerseys will be ‘controversial’
                    [sha] => 708808349
                    [url] => https://www.boston.com/sports/boston-red-sox/2025/03/24/boston-red-sox-new-jerseys-city-connect-green-sam-kennedy-mlb-baseball/
                    [description] => "I always have to remind people like my dad and others, these uniforms are not for you." The post Sam Kennedy: Red Sox’s new City Connect jerseys will be ‘controversial’ appeared first on Boston.com.
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                    [date] => 1742860958
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                    [title] => Revel brings EV fast charging station to San Francisco: ‘We are open for business’
                    [sha] => 3422081339
                    [description] => Revel brings EV fast charging station to San Francisco: ‘We are open for business’  KRON4
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                    [date] => 1742860852
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                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => 23andMe is filing for bankruptcy. Here's what it means for your genetic data
                    [sha] => 3518991466
                    [url] => https://www.npr.org/2025/03/24/nx-s1-5338622/23andme-bankruptcy-genetic-data-privacy
                    [description] => The California biotech firm said in a statement that it is hoping to find a buyer to address its ongoing financial struggles.
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                    [date] => 1742860800
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                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => He’s running with his sister to support the Boston Public Library
                    [sha] => 3944171274
                    [url] => https://www.boston.com/community/boston-marathon/2025/03/24/jefferson-driscoll-the-boston-public-library/
                    [description] => "It has always been [our] dream to make a 'comeback' and cross the finish line together!" said Jefferson Driscoll. The post He’s running with his sister to support the Boston Public Library appeared first on Boston.com.
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                    [date] => 1742860800
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                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Raskin: We're in the 'Fight of Our Lives' Against Trump's Disregard of the Law
                    [sha] => 3118827126
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                    [description] => Representative Jamie Raskin (D-MD) said Monday on CNN's "The Arena" that Democrats were in the fight of their lives against President Donald Trump's "cavalier disregard" of the Constitution and the rule of law. The post Raskin: We’re in the ‘Fight of Our Lives’ Against Trump’s Disregard of the Law appeared first on Breitbart.
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                    [date] => 1742860601
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                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump envoy Witkoff sparks outcry after backing Kremlin talking points on Ukraine
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                    [url] => https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-envoy-witkoff-sparks-outcry-after-backing-kremlin/story?id=120113827
                    [description] => Steve Witkoff, President Donald Trump's special envoy and lead negotiator tasked with ending the war in Ukraine, sat down for an interview with Tucker Carlson.
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                    [date] => 1742860511
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                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Abandoned pools in Altadena after Eaton Fire pose public health concerns
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                    [description] => Abandoned pools in Altadena after Eaton Fire pose public health concerns  NBC Los Angeles
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                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Houston moves forward with $6M Washington Avenue project despite unfinished improvement study
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                    [description] => Houston moves forward with $6M Washington Avenue project despite unfinished improvement study  ABC13 Houston
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                    [date] => 1742860236
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            [16] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Which is the least Christian and Catholic city in the United States? Study reveals
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                    [description] => Which is the least Christian and Catholic city in the United States? Study reveals  ZENIT - English
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                    [date] => 1742859996
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                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump to Impose Tariffs Against Countries That Buy Venezuelan Oil
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                    [description] => Trump to Impose Tariffs Against Countries That Buy Venezuelan Oil  The New York Times
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                    [date] => 1742859679
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                    [title] => Exclusive: 4,000 Couples Struggling to Conceive Sign Up for Prayer Movement Organized by Pro
                    [sha] => 319991132
                    [url] => https://www.breitbart.com/faith/2025/03/24/exclusive-4000-married-couples-struggling-to-have-children-across-the-world-sign-up-for-nationwide-prayer-movement/
                    [description] => Leading pro-life diaper company EveryLife has teamed up with prominent Christian voices to launch a global prayer movement for married couples who want to have children but are struggling to conceive or adopt.  The post Exclusive: 4,000 Couples Struggling to Conceive Sign Up for Prayer Movement Organized by Pro-Life Diaper Company ‘EveryLife’ appeared first on Breitbart.
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                    [date] => 1742859643
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            [19] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Western Alaska man charged with murder in girlfriend’s killing
                    [sha] => 638106214
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                    [description] => Western Alaska man charged with murder in girlfriend’s killing  Anchorage Daily News
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                    [date] => 1742859621
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                    [title] => A Chinese tech giant says it slashed AI costs using only Chinese chips
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                    [url] => https://techcrunch.com/2025/03/24/a-chinese-tech-giant-says-it-slashed-ai-costs-using-only-chinese-chips/
                    [description] => Earlier this year, DeepSeek briefly crashed Nvidia’s stock because of speculation that its models require far fewer chips. Now, Chinese fintech giant Ant Group, which is backed by Alibaba founder Jack Ma, is claiming a major AI breakthrough. Ant was able to use Chinese chips made by Alibaba and Huawei to create methods that cut […]
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742859558
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            [21] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Washington Senate and House Democrats unveil budget plans; sparks debate over taxes and spending priorities
                    [sha] => 102439322
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiogJBVV95cUxPUmNGZFZJdXNfNUNGUjJUT0NEWE81b2FIWE9nRDg4R1lBU2pmdlVfaVlyV1ZrTG5sX1p5STFmeXQyandZMW00SEc5MWZVLURJaDR2UXg1ZGREeGJieVBCWFRXVHVuV1VpcThKcDdwZHNyb1d1WWdUUmZETXNSRmJxYUFna2x3dTdabTBiUnI5a2k1eG50QW5jVUJzcnV6bUhVSHpEYm9kV0E2UHB4R2NVa3FPU3Q4WktkX3ZLU19mekN4MWhkSFRIcHB5OVd2ZzFENjgyT0lOcktad1k4SVdYeElIR1RXd2ZSS1hrQjhyOG5BMFd5S0FoMkNLV3V0aTlrbm9tUldSS3c2VkFVRXlOSkF0Q3hSbmx3WEtFLUR6bDJLZw?oc=5
                    [description] => Washington Senate and House Democrats unveil budget plans; sparks debate over taxes and spending priorities  NBC Right Now
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                    [date] => 1742859180
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                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Boonsboro brings the offense against Williamsport in Washington County softball
                    [sha] => 2992232819
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMigwJBVV95cUxPTnBKQU5BTHNyZ3R0U0xVZ0hwclF4OS1FN0Zza0JBQWVzV2FMbWxwRmJ2c19IamgwX29LVXpHRGo0NFdpRzluZUM1YW9NNkRZOUpteUg1d0ktZS1uOERGdjY4T2w5MWl3cjhZeWF5UFk1XzRoQUZQZjVNSWdCbE1mM3U3am5zcUticHlTLVEzNE9RdlY1OTFPOGVZWGh3V2JrR1lpS2xfenZlRDdiWUZ2ay11MnVlTFdRZzJOdFVjQWlEaFFHcTIySE5HVVd5b0Z0dVhXTm1SeWFCM0QzNmthMVh1X1o2d1laR1FwaVVxTmRiSGd0ZHc0ZWFhRk1mbTk0UkIw?oc=5
                    [description] => Boonsboro brings the offense against Williamsport in Washington County softball  Herald-Mail Media
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742859092
                    [extra] => 0

            [23] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Seattle Seahawks GM John Schneider 'quietly' starting to feel some heat
                    [sha] => 3635467699
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiigFBVV95cUxNOUNiMEdZbEVLUEhSYWpoMEtoTUtwaDNNeWkyUjNoM0R4UDZkSXlYWWd5cGM5M2o1dzUyZmFrTDN4cnEtX182MU9pQ1UtVDAtTWgwaEhRVVlJWDA1RkRmRUZkSkl6R1dBV2loTDM5VlB0cDlmZEtaU1BGeExFdGxQVU1SNk0zaXNhM3c?oc=5
                    [description] => Seattle Seahawks GM John Schneider 'quietly' starting to feel some heat  Sports Illustrated
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742859036
                    [extra] => 0

            [24] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Venezuelans deported last week included 8 women who were returned to US, filings say
                    [sha] => 4063769683
                    [url] => https://abcnews.go.com/US/venezuelans-deported-week-included-8-women-returned-us/story?id=120111090
                    [description] => The alleged Venezuelan gang members who were deported to El Salvador last week included eight female detainees who were later returned to the U.S., according to filings.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742858800
                    [extra] => 0

            [25] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Amtrak service delayed in and out of Boston after wires catch fire in Hyde Park
                    [sha] => 1178670477
                    [url] => https://www.boston.com/news/local-news/2025/03/24/amtrak-service-delayed-in-and-out-of-boston-after-wires-catch-fire-in-hyde-park/
                    [description] => The Commuter Rail is also experiencing “significant delays.” The post Amtrak service delayed in and out of Boston after wires catch fire in Hyde Park appeared first on Boston.com.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742858792
                    [extra] => 0

            [26] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Venezuelans deported last week included 8 women who were returned to US, court filings say
                    [sha] => 3024702343
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMioAFBVV95cUxOZ1RBbTdtTF90bHVfd3hkam8yVUxGbnAzTFdWaGg3emY0dEk4ejk3U21MNzlScl80emUtMm56LURFeHdKQ243ejFPTWVGWlo0VGVsUnVyVkN1bkh2bENfdXNDcWN0YWRxOWNsUndHOWVyTlVMQm9FZWdWMERmVlJ1Q2FDN1AzdWpraWdfeU92dHhLb21FTENXU0lDWXBjdUlP0gGmAUFVX3lxTE1SVkdORmtvTU9ZTEJTZlkzRWhMVDRtRG5CWk9nVVE4RFVnOEQ5Zy1ZbGkxSGNoVHhKMzZrb3hOazI0TWFlRTRGUVFEbXBVYWg5VVJKdW16YU9CSHhEV3l2d2tQUHU2bFJTMmhOUUF5bEZ0bVhWTGpkWmQ1LVc1dTViNkpKbDdJV3FoVEZTRFY3eFNCa2JrVDNhdnM2WFRwUXZISE5aLUE?oc=5
                    [description] => Venezuelans deported last week included 8 women who were returned to US, court filings say  ABC News
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742858775
                    [extra] => 0

            [27] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => San Francisco Giants 2025 home opener is coming quickly: How, where to purchase tickets
                    [sha] => 3553083479
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi3AFBVV95cUxQYTVYbHIwWlplWm9DWTJDdFhKdTlFaHFZSXJwdkcweGhYckJmQldIUzVwZ2ZrRHE1eS1LVFpHT1duSGxMT1RvODd6N2VJWVFJbGhSNEJTSHBKQVN0cmtPQ0ZyczlsWE5ZR19vaFVoa2RtcTc3eGlvY3ozeE0wVW9VMG9NQ2wxMEdRWVdfR3BwQks0TXRtclBMTGdhN0xhcWktaldNSG95QmJ5ZzVtbEV1b1lrUHV5SHRXblhOdVJtY2wyNzkycWJGZnRtcFlKMjJPZ3pPdG1sdlVBUDhO0gHwAUFVX3lxTFB1YzgwYktOV3lsaU1XSlRDZncwRDItdGRoRGpaVHBieGwydF9CRks3VGhoaXpFOGRkREhBN0Vmd0pCYU9zTEZpa205bkZCOFE2ZEhET0J0bTdIU0RwWEJkRDZZTFU5SjJFTU9mMVo5cml6TF9BZTRVejZJSTVIR2ZLYXREN09VckNaT0ttSEo0NjMyb2NrV0ZJOVA2WnVMcFFsYklkZGpGaVFYUHdjNWZWM3hsbU56T0xKSXE3RzVLbmxZTzAtZ2M3a2Y3ZHh5cmVHSmJCWGJvTDJSNW1JX2d3TjZsMTJ6UWsyaC1jVVRJQg?oc=5
                    [description] => San Francisco Giants 2025 home opener is coming quickly: How, where to purchase tickets  PennLive
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742858700
                    [extra] => 0

            [28] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Gas tax increases key to fueling Washington transportation budgets
                    [sha] => 2799620181
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiowFBVV95cUxOSjQtSnJmWjhZS1EzVExObm5nN1k5WXFyM2ZuS093VjdITVhxLWhhOEItdXRNX05TVXVJZzRUVGotdms0cjRvV2NCSW1uaXV6bE5yYWRNMnVWbjhOUEFHd0p3TnRFa3dJM09FMDVpOUNyQUpiVDRQVE00M012Vi1yY09qY0tqeml3RUFMNUJyRjE2dkRkZkxhRDFJZDYwMHp1aFRB?oc=5
                    [description] => Gas tax increases key to fueling Washington transportation budgets  My Edmonds News
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742858697
                    [extra] => 0

            [29] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trisha Yearwood calls Garth Brooks 'love of my life,' thanks him for being her cheerleader
                    [sha] => 2119104193
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/trisha-yearwood-calls-garth-brooks-love-my-life-thanks-him-being-her-cheerleader
                    [description] => Trisha Yearwood made sure her husband Garth Brooks received accolades for being the most supportive partner during her reign as the queen of country music.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742858557
                    [extra] => 0

            [30] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => FBI Director Kash Patel sends memo calling CNN report of ATF cuts 'entirely false'
                    [sha] => 448942458
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/media/fbi-director-kash-patel-sends-memo-calling-cnn-report-atf-cuts-entirely-false
                    [description] => FBI Director Kash Patel strongly denied CNN's report claiming he will reallocate ATF agents to the FBI, in a memo obtained by Fox News Digital.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742858553
                    [extra] => 0

            [31] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => USPS head Louis DeJoy steps down as Trump officials consider Postal Service overhaul
                    [sha] => 1521212773
                    [url] => https://www.npr.org/2025/03/24/nx-s1-5338948/usps-head-louis-dejoy-steps-down-as-trump-officials-consider-postal-service-overhaul
                    [description] => The head of the U.S. Postal Service is stepping down. Louis DeJoy's exit comes after Trump officials floated controversial ideas for overhauling the agency.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742858392
                    [extra] => 0

            [32] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Not on board: Petition created to keep SS United States from becoming reef
                    [sha] => 2682978883
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMinwFBVV95cUxOUFZ1SUx6VUV4azJJek1neTlDTVdqZDJNT19DWU9tT3NQSGhoaFB4T002ODdoYmxMU3BFOUw2cXpUcTBxbU1oOW5LUDFTc1o4ZUpGb2NGWUp2cHNrN2JXdTVjaHdsZ2RobUcyOVlyR3BZRVpFLTZnV2p6WWJGR0xYc25uSHpPSDZjdUFYdVQzaWgwMnJMY1pKMUotVU0wbFXSAbMBQVVfeXFMUEZYWGdoWDl4bFlSd2JSVGh2T01sTVZIc1NDeUgzamltQWQwSFBBbG9qRWZPREIyeFBQVEZCZWFqUXJXM1loQktpUlUzbTZNVW15aXhla2k0WjVoUTNZZUtEaEQ2RlRudVJHd0MxQk5nbjYxdmRLWlVDekxVZkxFTXBNOVh0YUVlTHkxRklJTFFaa2pycGZMX0lnSDRGN1d5VEZ6LWlTOTVZUjVISU9FYmloT2c?oc=5
                    [description] => Not on board: Petition created to keep SS United States from becoming reef  Fox 10 News
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742858100
                    [extra] => 0

            [33] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Teen dies after Alaska avalanche buries him in nearly 15 feet of snow
                    [sha] => 1853743850
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMigAFBVV95cUxNYzBfQ1JHbzl4Z0w2QWJTUVJMSHRvaWx3QU1tbE9QdUEyTGtzckZpajd0ZnhOa1RIUE1yY21VYnRINTZST1lhOVppMUI2ZWZsZmlvc2ktUzdXUUlKMlIwN2pQSk0wS3lUdUtLTkljUGxqaFV6NWxxcTM4UzlRZ1prdtIBhgFBVV95cUxOSk45aW9VMjMtYk9saE93X0JRNnpMRmNCY1E4bjNpYjlMY0NvYXJQNy1NWWVLTjByRVFLX09USVItTHk3a0R0UUxadXREUU04QWdzUENMN1F5ajgxMmZaSVBuNzd0aXA4N19mWkV3WHhSdnVVSjlwR0FlQ2ktTk5CNVNFUmVwdw?oc=5
                    [description] => Teen dies after Alaska avalanche buries him in nearly 15 feet of snow  Fox Weather
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742858040
                    [extra] => 0

            [34] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Hamdan Ballal, Palestinian Director of ‘No Other Land,’ Is Attacked in West Bank, Witnesses Say
                    [sha] => 3876836391
                    [url] => https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/24/world/middleeast/no-other-land-director-attack.html
                    [description] => Hamdan Ballal was assaulted by masked attackers in his home village in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, witnesses said. The Israeli military said he had been detained for questioning.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742857940
                    [extra] => 0

            [35] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => S.F. needs to better monitor employee conflict of interest, new report finds
                    [sha] => 1225141999
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMingFBVV95cUxNRFgwYkdOdGJyYXl6NjJjcDNMODhvMjNjVC1SN2hjV3RGRm81YTZNczlYS2JhaXhBbm9wYWFjMEJWMW9qekFtVnpGZkhDUFA1NTVEN1RwRVdqdDAyNWRHZXNnSkVDNHZLeHdxdFpuNlJiZG9hWXBfLTd4cjFSa0R2Q0p2bDF6ZVhWdUJhd21qd0ppWjVPSnlkeVEzamdEUQ?oc=5
                    [description] => S.F. needs to better monitor employee conflict of interest, new report finds  San Francisco Chronicle
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742857810
                    [extra] => 0

            [36] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => La Crosse mayor candidates share their priorities for the city days ahead of April election
                    [sha] => 1838980175
                    [url] => https://news.google.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?oc=5
                    [description] => La Crosse mayor candidates share their priorities for the city days ahead of April election  WEAU
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742857800
                    [extra] => 0

            [37] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => ‘A happy surprise’: Alaska Zoo welcomes baby Tibetan yak unexpectedly
                    [sha] => 2087088264
                    [url] => https://news.google.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?oc=5
                    [description] => ‘A happy surprise’: Alaska Zoo welcomes baby Tibetan yak unexpectedly  Alaska's News Source
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742857320
                    [extra] => 0

            [38] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump administration live updates: Trump portrait in Colorado Capitol to be removed
                    [sha] => 2233107448
                    [url] => https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/live-updates/trump-second-term/?id=120087352
                    [description] => The portrait of President Donald Trump in the Colorado State Capitol will be removed a day after he called for the "distorted" painting of himself to be taken down.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742857269
                    [extra] => 0

            [39] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Why the San Francisco Giants Will Be Thankful for Top Tier Starting Depth This Season
                    [sha] => 1003125870
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi2AFBVV95cUxPclZHMzVnWkF1MERFT2YtTGtvWTNCRjA4emlKb0JZM2ZMQ3ZIWG1UU0QtOU1WTk51VzZvOUVHZEtGSnhOeDlhWXBMYlJXenhWSEs0Mnk4LTJYendJMHBUcVV6RWdCVkgxaGRKSG41Zy1TaTRBSUdlZlEzalpQaWNKbFJmdl9lTFBDbmg5TGI1bjhSOWxTWHpUUXA1b28yd0lwbC1KLV8zalFBTkkzV1daMGhwUG91U1VIZE1VSTd5UVVIdUVuV3VMQU9MNUlFenp2Q2pBYlNYN0s?oc=5
                    [description] => Why the San Francisco Giants Will Be Thankful for Top Tier Starting Depth This Season  Sports Illustrated
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742857201
                    [extra] => 0

            [40] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Nicaragua Paper: End of Biden's ‘Humanitarian Parole’ Border Loophole Will Cut Remittance ‘Lifeline’
                    [sha] => 853969503
                    [url] => https://www.breitbart.com/latin-america/2025/03/24/nicaragua-paper-end-of-bidens-humanitarian-parole-border-loophole-will-cut-remittance-lifeline/
                    [description] => The upcoming end of the Biden-era "Humanitarian Parole" program will impact remittances sent to Nicaragua — a crucial economic "lifeline" for the nation's communist regime, the local newspaper La Prensa reported Monday. The post Nicaragua Paper: End of Biden’s ‘Humanitarian Parole’ Border Loophole Will Cut Remittance ‘Lifeline’ appeared first on Breitbart.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742857102
                    [extra] => 0

            [41] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Fremont Troll wins title of best public artwork in the Mountain West
                    [sha] => 435838633
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMinwFBVV95cUxOd1BrZGVSNFZ4SEZ1UXl3MzdRdXMyM29Fb05tazBQNDd3aHJjQnpGUGdpSjFtWks1elZSZ2FQVmNmcEd1M25wN2lRVVFHZTh2QV9IZ1JMNFJEOS1tczVwRVJMTl9ZSzdFX2psZ3l1SXg0azNEa1dFTlJ1WDhUTVBRMW44Rkl5X1pVRkNtelVDaFp3ZlpkLVBHSmN4NXZrajQ?oc=5
                    [description] => Fremont Troll wins title of best public artwork in the Mountain West  Axios
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742857067
                    [extra] => 0

            [42] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Pollen Poised To Exceed Historical Averages Across The United States
                    [sha] => 1976116873
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiowFBVV95cUxQNmRIMmsxbWNiRk05ZzFBRVdnLTd0QU0waEV4TVN6b0ctTm9zcU1zTXNYTXVfejJMVTMzUHM3NlhYendZbUlhS1RINEg0V2swYkd4eVR1dXItYmpieDZzRXREbmZ5Q3M0WjlSNjFKLUwyWW1OMUVnZGQzakFucGRxZzI5cXZpX2hoRlJmWHB1NFpoOFQxUkxZd3NPOHRhS3hnNUtV?oc=5
                    [description] => Pollen Poised To Exceed Historical Averages Across The United States  FITSNews
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742856818
                    [extra] => 0

            [43] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Wife of slain California fire captain receives medical treatment prior to jail booking
                    [sha] => 3025789658
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/us/wife-slain-california-fire-captain-receives-medical-treatment-prior-jail-booking
                    [description] => Officials in San Diego confirmed that the suspect wanted in connection to the murder of a Cal Fire captain received medical treatment ahead of being booked into jail after weeks on the run.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742856534
                    [extra] => 0

            [44] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Seattle fire training center burglary leads to $200K in damage, stolen equipment
                    [sha] => 708428842
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMinwJBVV95cUxOV0d5ak5kU2wwR2VkT21raFo2UXZURi1xdmR1ZEdWYzRJRl9od2YzYU56Uk95VmhVSVlnRGloanVicHlFTTBUOFItSHNhazFLa2huaEpzZTB5WllCeVk1d1J2NEhVWGhaQkRWb3ZzdURPOGt6enJlbjBQVlVsTjZSRGYyc1FJRElwS3JRYmtNOHZjX1hFOGY0MGNGeExrNGQyd0tkOHdpenFpTld5X0czQjUzc1J2T1phRUUzTmJrTkFHUzdOa3FiZ190c0VVazNSRS1HSW92d0ZicXVndS1YVGczbmVyNFBybHhnOEZLREdSbkg3QVZpLXJMcEpLYkhicTU5WEQ0UlJRLWRTeF95aml0UjQ1bExKekFWRlk0RQ?oc=5
                    [description] => Seattle fire training center burglary leads to $200K in damage, stolen equipment  KOMO News
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742856492
                    [extra] => 0

            [45] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => USPS chief Louis DeJoy resigns as Trump eyes overhauling mail agency
                    [sha] => 2151809869
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMijgFBVV95cUxNTkVLLXQ2bl9qQjFpZDZCbEV5NGJfNmI0cnFIRjVTSUNYWFN0Wl9jbWdUdTRFVGJfempqRHh1MV9idkhkUm1GMGliMGlJQXMxS0pBdS1iRjBQRk1KRkc2eFRiT1hDajJaY2dMOGVvZFZvX0NYN3FnZTFxeFlkb0ZQQXpGa1YtclZfR1hXT3ZB?oc=5
                    [description] => USPS chief Louis DeJoy resigns as Trump eyes overhauling mail agency  The Washington Post
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742856278
                    [extra] => 0

            [46] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump portrait he claimed was 'purposefully distorted' to be taken down from Colorado Capitol
                    [sha] => 1698393301
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-portrait-he-claimed-purposefully-distorted-taken-down-from-colorado-capitol
                    [description] => A portrait of President Donald Trump will be taken down from the Colorado state Capitol after he criticized the painting over the weekend.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742856261
                    [extra] => 0

            [47] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Interior Department reiterates plans for Alaska resource extraction, to Alaska delegation’s delight
                    [sha] => 4193217005
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMijwFBVV95cUxNZ2tDQjdFekVoMnc2ZlpCSnowUEtfYW00cXU2UjFFZWVNbUZsU0JFMFJ3UTZvdHEydHZqNV8xNFQyZlUtS2Zmc1o3SVQ5OFhlQmlmUEF1M0xOUk04dkF4TkFVS3Zla3M5MW12Y0RqWFd5Rmxqam1qbFh4OTVyVHdfQWlLTUtST1ZUVDh4R2luQQ?oc=5
                    [description] => Interior Department reiterates plans for Alaska resource extraction, to Alaska delegation’s delight  The cordova Times
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742856240
                    [extra] => 0

            [48] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump officials shared war plans in unclassified chat with journalist
                    [sha] => 4250399603
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMipwFBVV95cUxPTnExQkk4dUZpdTlWVlBwRkJKZG9FX3EzdG5kT2wxaVZqM1JpR2l2U2FNaGw3UDBhbXM1QUdSZmVzVGdqVERjd0xpY1E2OW1XbURqalJxS3hwdWtqZTVnQ1NOWXFvZHZfUXh3V0E5WnFza2hVbi1jTC00cFZOaWYya2szcW9Yd29aZlJvSS1sVFFWYjhFWWg5emlhN1lMX2NCdEwwakFhYw?oc=5
                    [description] => Trump officials shared war plans in unclassified chat with journalist  The Washington Post
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742855960
                    [extra] => 0

            [49] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => What New Los Angeles Rams Linebacker Nate Landman Said About Sean McVay
                    [sha] => 2836673135
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi7AFBVV95cUxNbnRSeWk5eWFBXzkzRnpYbTNmNHh6VlRvUlJrVm40b2RDNF9fS2dPa1VOMldxckJUMFh5dXJMM0pKeVp3OGJpOHh5TjMza2tBNU9zeThPbGhhbnVWenRkRUt2Y3NKd1R5ZHE4ZzVjTnM1YTJvcjFiVUdfZTRyT2F3WXVNOWdaRXIxcDhLbmViUV9tYWpHengteGlwNm95dnVZMjFHZzkyU1U5UHJobnRKQU0wcHhrVzFCWGVLNDF4V1V5MjVVRWtkT1VJcVBCaDJFcncwU0plcnE0UElYZGFDaHNCcU42Y2Z4UXFpTw?oc=5
                    [description] => What New Los Angeles Rams Linebacker Nate Landman Said About Sean McVay  Sports Illustrated
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742855700
                    [extra] => 0

            [50] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Former Michigan coach pleads not guilty to scheme alleging he hacked info, stole 'intimate' photos
                    [sha] => 3726957853
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/sports/former-michigan-coach-pleads-not-guilty-scheme-alleging-he-hacked-info-stole-intimate-photos
                    [description] => Former Michigan football coach Matt Weiss has pleaded not guilty to the 24 counts of computer crimes he is facing from an alleged scheme of stealing "intimate" photos.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742855578
                    [extra] => 0

            [51] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Kidnapping suspect arrested after authorities discover missing juvenile in her attic: police
                    [sha] => 4093741757
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/us/kidnapping-suspect-arrested-after-authorities-discover-missing-juvenile-her-attic-police
                    [description] => Kentucky authorities arrested Scottsville resident Donna M. Spengler, 42, after she allegedly kidnapped and harbored a missing juvenile in her attic.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742855532
                    [extra] => 0

            [52] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Seattle man confesses to child molestation after 14 binders of child porn found in trash
                    [sha] => 838745289
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMilgJBVV95cUxQMGdPWWlFN0hTSnRQdnNWdnRQd19FckhmU3R6Szl1cXFkSHJ3cVpvRDdEZ2dDSUR2NGhCb1owQ2pSWXVFYnRRdE9sNjZyVlV0SW5rT1JtUWJpVmFKclNVTDNGanl5d1c4OURGOTBlUWI0eTZINFRoT1BrX0lld3VvX1EtT3FPMzFHSHFVNU9DU1Mwa2JEM3hfOG5RcUw5aElEbE1IV0ZTWVo4Q0RYdTlNREJuU3FUOFpjWWNHR3RXMmZaYS1hYTM0UF9pV3dJRW9JUElqcmRlYjY2bEFvS3duZk4yZ1BXTXpHUmd1cVBzbVJWMml6WmpTZlV3VGpUYWdSOFowc3FHRFhIZkZZSHFrNFJZc3lYUQ?oc=5
                    [description] => Seattle man confesses to child molestation after 14 binders of child porn found in trash  KOMO News
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742855488
                    [extra] => 0

            [53] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Fallout from Columbia capitulation fuels fears about academic freedom
                    [sha] => 459513366
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMitAFBVV95cUxNTFlJNGQzOFBPSEs0Y0lQQWQtQ3pjVnV5dGJXTVpHTU51eWdneVhKajlCVXhtS2VzSDBITDdWdUN1M29lRVhTUklRMnc3M2pvamxnYmZRbm5LQ2JCcUduLW8tS2FNNFAzWUFyVVZIWlVjZTVmYVBQNTc5WS1nQTZ2UGdwOFVzNlhYOUFUMV9EMjY5OVczVHBCZVcwVXV2S3lZU05DQmJNYUdueVF3SnNVaEtwZlk?oc=5
                    [description] => Fallout from Columbia capitulation fuels fears about academic freedom  The Washington Post
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742855321
                    [extra] => 0

            [54] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Revel reemerges in San Francisco with its first EV fast chargers on West Coast
                    [sha] => 2228587086
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMijgFBVV95cUxOT2lXYXlQWlppU3JRVWRDMDN1aDQ1VThpSkNyYk1uVnRxTTBob0dTVzJvMk1DREFNcFc2QzViWFZqLTlNN25jZVM2TkxIMUxtQWdvdFJkTnFOS1V1Q1FjTDg0cHBTNktzWHFwQXQtclg3SUptT3NaM1VMRmRQNU1CYzZMQzZhOUtQaTlMb3l3?oc=5
                    [description] => Revel reemerges in San Francisco with its first EV fast chargers on West Coast  Axios
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742855261
                    [extra] => 0

            [55] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => New York Gov. Kathy Hochul: 'We're Not Going to Allow This Mass Deportation'
                    [sha] => 557002397
                    [url] => https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2025/03/24/new-york-gov-kathy-hochul-were-not-going-to-allow-this-mass-deportation/
                    [description] => "We're not going to allow this mass deportation," New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) said during an appearance on The David Pakman Show, making it clear that state police will not cooperate. The post New York Gov. Kathy Hochul: ‘We’re Not Going to Allow This Mass Deportation’ appeared first on Breitbart.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742855186
                    [extra] => 0

            [56] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Elon Musk Claims DOGE Discovered $330 Million in SBA Loans Given to Kids
                    [sha] => 2494133985
                    [url] => https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2025/03/24/elon-musk-claims-doge-discovered-330-million-sba-loans-given-kids/
                    [description] => Elon Musk revealed that DOGE discovered the Small Business Administration (SBA) had given more than $300 million in loans to children under 11 years old. The post Elon Musk Claims DOGE Discovered $330 Million in SBA Loans Given to Kids appeared first on Breitbart.
                    [category] => 3
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742855168
                    [extra] => 0

            [57] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => OPINION: ‘Empty Chair’ town hall stunt devoid of thoughtful ideas
                    [sha] => 1327362215
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiowFBVV95cUxOYlpFZEhtLXZwYmxLY3AwS3M1Y1JKaXVhbXF2SzVTQm9nSG9pX2Y5Sy1nR2NlYTdlWUVYZVhMRTBsejc3bzUyM0xUQnFZNVZnSmdQWFpOVDJDVkI5WGZqMG1wZ2dfTmVESE91cHg1OHBrXzZoLVByZG1Sb0hSVDFfSzJuUDFsX0M4YVg3QXFKN2RYY25YMVoxRzRmTUtOdjRRWEVR?oc=5
                    [description] => OPINION: ‘Empty Chair’ town hall stunt devoid of thoughtful ideas  Alaska Watchman
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742854903
                    [extra] => 0

            [58] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump nominates Susan Monarez to become the next CDC director, says Americans 'lost confidence' in agency
                    [sha] => 2615023592
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-nominates-susan-monarez-become-next-cdc-director-says-americans-lost-confidence-agency
                    [description] => Susan Monarez, the current acting director of the CDC, has been nominated by President Donald Trump to be the next director of the agency.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742854839
                    [extra] => 0

            [59] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Teen Who Set Off Avalanche Is Fourth Person Killed on Alaska Slopes This Month
                    [sha] => 3499893206
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMie0FVX3lxTE5TOGNzbWNqd25wZEdTblJRQi1LVDhQWmpfV3lXbHJ5T2JFd3k3Q0c2Q2owR3BOX0QzcmNwU2NtMktlLU1xQ0F1eWV3d3JYQnRfa2FVSEF3Z3FfQmMwb3pSdkxCdHF0MUtLX09qQzlHOW5IQVBYUGlLYmVfaw?oc=5
                    [description] => Teen Who Set Off Avalanche Is Fourth Person Killed on Alaska Slopes This Month  The New York Times
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742854829
                    [extra] => 0

            [60] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Tribe, port’s new alliance a bright spot in unsteady economic times
                    [sha] => 1342342033
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMitAFBVV95cUxNVGcxNHgzXzVCQl94QkJMY2NwMzVBX3Z4YlJaTGtadUI4ZjVVUUZZYm43MlFfaDdlczQ1NkFRS2VxelZySnQ0TjF2MVNsU05HQXNSLTJqM1Q0anhsTEtlal9zVUU3NEhTN045MEdmNnc0M1l2MHNsYkJqY0NHdmVMcEx3OUhRUXFTLXFoOVJzZHdCS3UyQVI2all4WTFEYU1nLXZvWnQ0aXlVNWJ0YjFRTVpYcHQ?oc=5
                    [description] => Tribe, port’s new alliance a bright spot in unsteady economic times  The Seattle Times
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742854772
                    [extra] => 0

            [61] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Former Bruins goalie has candid take on Swayman’s fight, Zadorov’s postgame comments
                    [sha] => 794719082
                    [url] => https://www.boston.com/sports/boston-bruins/2025/03/24/andrew-raycroft-boston-bruins-jeremy-swayman-fight-nhl-hockey-nikita-zadorov/
                    [description] => "'We've lost seven in a row. No one's scoring. Like, what are we doing?' That's my thought." The post Former Bruins goalie has candid take on Swayman’s fight, Zadorov’s postgame comments appeared first on Boston.com.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742854715
                    [extra] => 0

            [62] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Delivery companies, businesses urge changes to proposed Seattle deactivation law
                    [sha] => 3676901266
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMilwFBVV95cUxPTkRTT2dKQU93SXNNN2RuOS1VUW5CRlVnbkM4WkhWYTVNX0hiazVIZ0x4Ym5sejJmSWhnZjlIaGQyT1ktRkNCVnRiZFFFMUYzVFZvMHZvbXd6TWl3WVA5THh0VFAzWXFoV1pQZjlFbkpvWUFLalJDc3BicDBNMTdsaHpKNlRqa1M1bjZNRUZZMFhtOFRnZEJV0gGcAUFVX3lxTE1xanU2NWFvaGRQOWl0YWxwNEp3em1WbkJEeTVFaWlES2hnZnJ3X2g4VFg1X3BsbVdYVEY5dm9nejZkaWlodEZaMmdXSjhfTmlRU2FvZy13UzVnQ0lUSURwWmtyeVZEYzE2ck5HQXRBTUNvc1Z3VnlLZ2lPeU9Iekx6UVJKV0NjN2ZFNmh2UldXeHhjTEZEMWxjcXNlcQ?oc=5
                    [description] => Delivery companies, businesses urge changes to proposed Seattle deactivation law  The Center Square
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742854680
                    [extra] => 0

            [63] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => A sweet ‘Circus' is bounding into the Bob Baker Marionette Theater
                    [sha] => 48943131
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMipgFBVV95cUxQdTZSWW0xaV9nYW5hY1oyTUUtTHl2bmdoQ2RWaC03LVlLZTJfZDhvejdmX05DOFNYMkYxZDRhZ0hSV2NRbWNjbzA5NjdwNVJTLW1rQVVrSVhrZTNSc1pZb3VHV0ZfTGlPOGhqNldLZVdBcjQ5RHJzUFBGUEpYdWVLVzdOTDhfLTdsRENZVlctaElmNFhSRXVvNmstSE9LUlAxdE9yN2VB0gGuAUFVX3lxTE1SN0J4ajlpZGlaY29fb0VaOHZMaGk4ekltVTRiQVRUcDl0N0NGWGsyR3cweTJKWDlQa1FPcnRHbjNQZ09mYXB5WEx4WHZRUjVaT1Iwbnd4N1pwVnJDNHVCd2xiLUpJclN5ekhPZkU0OXhSay1Xa2NBdGQxbmNMX2pJUHJzeDJSNld3b2dGWkJuQXBYbUlDWmVQZXA0SlNBbkxLUGFfbGJCUkp2MGFydw?oc=5
                    [description] => A sweet ‘Circus' is bounding into the Bob Baker Marionette Theater  NBC Los Angeles
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742854662
                    [extra] => 0

            [64] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Liberal Dark Money Network Arabella Advisors and Other Progressive Non
                    [sha] => 3526218333
                    [url] => https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2025/03/24/liberal-dark-money-network-arabella-advisors-and-other-progressive-non-profits-are-behind-the-push-for-the-irss-direct-file-initiative/
                    [description] => A network of progressive non-profits has quietly spent years pushing the IRS’s new “Direct File” service. The post Liberal Dark Money Network Arabella Advisors and Other Progressive Non-Profits Are Behind the Push for the IRS’s Direct File Initiative appeared first on Breitbart.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742854652
                    [extra] => 0

            [65] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Seattle man arrested for child porn after 14 binders found in dumpster
                    [sha] => 4025788268
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMickFVX3lxTFBSenU3OU1NLUtBZnNFV0s3OGtnUVh5S1J0WjROQnUtdkdDQTNoU0dOLUtBRUdGeldUUU1RX09yWUNaNGNFV0xkT21aR0x1U0gzMWkzdDIzNjl6NUpfb1E5MXVfN084ZklEUmtmMHRkTEUzQdIBd0FVX3lxTFByci1ULWZJVGpJc2J3SnZXZnplU3U4WmhiUmxFRWFTUTZEZXJOaVFXejl3UFhqSTY3WkNEWFJ2cWZzZVhlZWJ6dFVyRU1qbTNLV3JVMTJsYzZwSDEwUWhjN3UzUW56U0RXd1pqcnVka2Y1bmN4RGhR?oc=5
                    [description] => Seattle man arrested for child porn after 14 binders found in dumpster  FOX 13 Seattle
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742854540
                    [extra] => 0

            [66] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Protesters rally in San Francisco as judge weighs challenge to Trump immigration policy
                    [sha] => 2349158079
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi3gFBVV95cUxPU3hCSjNOUmlwOWxYMlJIckZiSzRXU1l1ZVcyTDZqUEdOVnFzSVdNWnZXaWFJYWM2bHNrZVZWNzVmSEctZGdxZU11WklTMWN1bFB0NGZoNUlNVEFNU2p4dFVNbmQ0OEEtNXBPR2NCOEhxMnAyczl3TWRQS0ZpbnUyTUpvTzdXbWRDZjFHcHpYN0UzRWxodjNoWWxKRTZkTEpYb0k1ZHFaVlRncmtRdUd3NXphZmxLZ3ZYaHBJdjZFNURNNmhNLTAybGtSLTdhN3FTS0lCMVRfc3dWTGxTLVE?oc=5
                    [description] => Protesters rally in San Francisco as judge weighs challenge to Trump immigration policy  The Associated Press
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742854500
                    [extra] => 0

            [67] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump admin live updates: Trump defends Musk, cuts to fed workers at Cabinet meeting
                    [sha] => 3903958458
                    [url] => https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/live-updates/trump-second-term/?id=120087352
                    [description] => Trump's Cabinet meeting began with officials touting "waste, fraud and abuse" they claim to have identified at their various agencies.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742854428
                    [extra] => 0

            [68] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Vertical farming company Plenty files for bankruptcy after raising nearly $1B
                    [sha] => 3560034835
                    [url] => https://techcrunch.com/2025/03/24/vertical-farming-company-plenty-files-for-bankruptcy-after-raising-nearly-1b/
                    [description] => Vertical farming company Plenty has filed for bankruptcy, the company said in a press release on Monday. In its statement, Plenty said it has received a commitment for $20.7 million in debtor-in-possession financing as part of a proposed restructuring plan. It plans to continue to operate a strawberry farm in Virginia and a plant science […]
                    [category] => 3
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742854382
                    [extra] => 0

            [69] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => VA employees are being called to work in the office. But some say there isn't room
                    [sha] => 2064974396
                    [url] => https://www.npr.org/2025/03/24/nx-s1-5336409/va-employees-are-being-called-to-work-in-the-office-but-some-say-there-isnt-room
                    [description] => Under the Trump administration, federal agencies are calling employees into the office. At the VA, therapists and doctors say this change is more than inconvenient — it could compromise patient care.
                    [category] => 2
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742854339
                    [extra] => 0

            [70] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => A lullaby artist talks about writing empowering, soothing songs for kids (and adults)
                    [sha] => 411946086
                    [url] => https://www.npr.org/2025/03/24/nx-s1-5282399/a-lullaby-artist-talks-about-writing-empowering-soothing-songs-for-kids-and-adults
                    [description] => Mama Nous writes children's lullabies and simple songs that acknowledge universal emotional truths and help people process their feelings. Kids love them, but so do adults.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742854322
                    [extra] => 0

            [71] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Astronaut Amanda Nguyen discusses her new memoir and activism around sexual assault
                    [sha] => 3473237248
                    [url] => https://www.npr.org/2025/03/24/nx-s1-5187082/astronaut-amanda-nguyen-discusses-her-new-memoir-and-activism-around-sexual-assault
                    [description] => NPR's Ailsa Chang speaks with activist and astronaut Amanda Nguyen on her new book, Saving Five: A Memoir of Hope,
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742854264
                    [extra] => 0

            [72] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Supreme Court confronts another challenge to the Voting Rights Act
                    [sha] => 1204358837
                    [url] => https://www.npr.org/2025/03/24/nx-s1-5338773/supreme-court-louisiana-voting-rights-act
                    [description] => The case is nearly identical to a case the court ruled on two years ago from Alabama, though the outcome could make it more difficult for minorities to prevail in redistricting cases.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742854252
                    [extra] => 0

            [73] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Israeli strikes in Gaza targeted key hospital and journalists
                    [sha] => 761059423
                    [url] => https://www.npr.org/2025/03/24/nx-s1-5338703/israeli-strikes-in-gaza-targeted-key-hospital-and-journalists
                    [description] => Israel's war against Hamas has killed tens of thousands of people, with the latest strikes targeting a hospital and journalists.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742854247
                    [extra] => 0

            [74] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Wildfires devastate western North Carolina, fueled by debris from flooding
                    [sha] => 3805279813
                    [url] => https://www.npr.org/2025/03/24/nx-s1-5338685/wildfires-devastate-western-north-carolina-fueled-by-debris-from-flooding
                    [description] => Fighting growing wildfires in western North Carolina is hampered by debris left over from Hurricane Helene-related flooding, which was 6 months ago this week.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742854243
                    [extra] => 0

            [75] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => An attorney explains why she's challenging her firm not to capitulate to Trump
                    [sha] => 2729470314
                    [url] => https://www.npr.org/2025/03/24/nx-s1-5336447/an-attorney-explains-why-shes-challenging-her-firm-not-to-capitulate-to-trump
                    [description] => NPR's Juana Summers speaks with Rachel Cohen, who wrote that she was resigning from her major law firm if it would not stand up to threats from the Trump administration.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742854235
                    [extra] => 0

            [76] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => How Trump is using popular political issues to test the system of checks and balances
                    [sha] => 379333950
                    [url] => https://www.npr.org/2025/03/24/nx-s1-5334681/how-trump-is-using-popular-political-issues-to-test-the-system-of-checks-and-balances
                    [description] => President Trump is banking on the public caring more about the politically popular things he is trying to do than how he is going about doing them in his fights with the judicial branch.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742854229
                    [extra] => 0

            [77] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Donald Trump is seeking to erase the United States as we know it | Laurence H Tribe
                    [sha] => 3290674843
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMigAFBVV95cUxOMDhBTXdIRzhPaEJHYThhRURFTW5aMDNxZlhVeWc2czcxYzM3em03cFREQ2Y4Ml9DWWI5cUVxemI5SzNqUTZkZTc1bU8zbnMzVEFkQUNMWGs2SDhyVlAwUUVkTE42eXJfNHAtUG1aQkhSQnVKVWd3bVlKUnRmOENFTg?oc=5
                    [description] => Donald Trump is seeking to erase the United States as we know it | Laurence H Tribe  The Guardian
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742854140
                    [extra] => 0

            [78] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Striking workers in Washington could get access to unemployment claims if bill passes
                    [sha] => 1757114853
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiugFBVV95cUxQbWhOc1FvZ0JrV2VEazBOSmVDdjYyTmIxYVVTSDd2aHJEeTUwYVRrbnZnVzVLa1F1T0dRMURXU2M5MWI4VWh2ell1ekZQcDMwdmwxeVI2VVJkLXVQeW5jUjFiT1diNTYwM2pDZHNHcGhqamRsMktYX1NVS0pUTVhGX0ttMWNlVW9kNm13YVN0WHI3THZFWi1tWUhRdzhNdlRyWnZXWkQxMGY0UmtrZFFtMnVLYkY4R1pfVWc?oc=5
                    [description] => Striking workers in Washington could get access to unemployment claims if bill passes  Northwest Public Broadcasting
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742853790
                    [extra] => 0

            [79] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => California woman found dead inside Washington County vacation rental, officials say
                    [sha] => 3969168102
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMihAFBVV95cUxNdDJ2YVh4SFlRSmd6MG5zNy1YbXN1TzRsX2xfeEs1b0hVM2JRajZpNzBCRlZ2SVdvQWVEeUc0a21adk96ZTNjcjJvQ2RDZmp2RUtXdnY4TlRPeDRzR1pmV05TLXJMNFhlR0FTcE5nRUdNOE44dmhxSVM0c2xzNXRaOHo5aHc?oc=5
                    [description] => California woman found dead inside Washington County vacation rental, officials say  KSL NewsRadio
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742853630
                    [extra] => 0

            [80] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => What's streaming this week: 'The Studio' and 'Bosch: Legacy'
                    [sha] => 2802907888
                    [url] => https://www.npr.org/2025/03/24/nx-s1-5336356/the-studio-bosch-legacy-paul-american-streaming-this-week
                    [description] => Seth Rogen stars in a new satire that actually finds a new way to make us laugh about Hollywood. Meanwhile, Jake and Logan Paul have given our TV critic another reason to dislike a certain kind of reality TV.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742853304
                    [extra] => 0

            [81] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump administration claims Mahmoud Khalil misrepresented green card application info
                    [sha] => 1409859901
                    [url] => https://abcnews.go.com/US/trump-administration-claims-palestinian-activist-mahmoud-khalil-misrepresented/story?id=120108978
                    [description] => The government claimed Palestinian protester Mahmoud Khalil intentionally misrepresented information on his green card application and is inadmissible to the U.S.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742853295
                    [extra] => 0

            [82] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => West Virginia Bans 7 Artificial Food Dyes, Citing Health Concerns
                    [sha] => 480613522
                    [url] => https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/24/well/west-virginia-food-dye-ban.html
                    [description] => At least 20 other states are considering bills restricting the use of certain food dyes and additives.
                    [category] => 8
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742853077
                    [extra] => 0

            [83] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Chuck Schumer facing 'uphill fight' amid leadership doubts: 'Matter of when, not if'
                    [sha] => 3122764235
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/politics/chuck-schumer-facing-uphill-fight-amid-leadership-doubts-matter-when-not-if
                    [description] => Chuck Schumer's future as Democrat leader in the Senate is anything but certain after a crucial vote that led to backlash on the ground.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742853068
                    [extra] => 0

            [84] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Columbia Faculty Protests as Trump Officials Hail University Concessions
                    [sha] => 2331482006
                    [url] => https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/24/nyregion/columbia-trump-response.html
                    [description] => While some professors rallied to criticize the changes, federal officials called the university’s actions a “positive first step” in maintaining a financial relationship.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742852989
                    [extra] => 0

            [85] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Últimas noticias con el noticiero FOX 13 Seattle: Lunes, 24 de marzo
                    [sha] => 2343892210
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiVEFVX3lxTE5vYVdjNVU3OW8yNU9EYlRJVTJ2dWNYSm5OZk5DRUtWX3UzdnJTQU5hTndNMFpsVWw5OVhHeVRYODhZYWUwSHZMdHFkUExnZDR1STJ1StIBWkFVX3lxTE1QR3pISXA0U2tYQWI1SjhxcXRBdV85aVIyVU9mOWpHbzZNOW80Ym1EeW9hTTJ0Z3NBaVdCUW9US3ExSEh1WXFha1YzUVVHS0phdTJ6ZUJpWjUydw?oc=5
                    [description] => Últimas noticias con el noticiero FOX 13 Seattle: Lunes, 24 de marzo  FOX 13 Seattle
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742852940
                    [extra] => 0

            [86] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => NFL hopefuls get a chance to impress teams at BC’s Pro Day in advance of draft
                    [sha] => 1995907676
                    [url] => https://www.boston.com/sports/college-sports/2025/03/24/nfl-hopefuls-chance-to-impress-teams-boston-college-pro-day-before-nfl-draft/
                    [description] => With Boston College coach Bill O’Brien to their left, Patriots coach Mike Vrabel to their right, and dozens of other eyeballs scrutinizing their every move, Ozzy Trapilo and Drew Kendall said goodbye to one era and ushered in another side by side. Trapilo and Kendall, childhood friends in Norwell and standout teammates at BC, dazzled […] The post NFL hopefuls get a chance to impress teams at BC’s Pro Day in advance of draft appeared first on Boston.com.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742852880
                    [extra] => 0

            [87] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Analysis | Trump’s shocking military plan leak epitomizes a sloppy operation
                    [sha] => 1330802744
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMigwFBVV95cUxPVThKSkJUX1lweHJZcGNwZjVzTVE2czUtN1pNUlRQVTVuXzhRb1FnOUYwWElUYldMTl9fUThRdXU5ZURtSkkzSUF0akdtcVVfcGZ1Rm95RXlxdkNOczhSLTRvQ0VZOGdDU1NvbDJPVnd6ZEJkMGNKMy1Ib1Vqa092aWpDbw?oc=5
                    [description] => Analysis | Trump’s shocking military plan leak epitomizes a sloppy operation  The Washington Post
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742852610
                    [extra] => 0

            [88] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Report: Trump NatSec Team's Group Chat on Houthi Strikes Included Jeffrey Goldberg, Author of 'Suckers & Losers' Hoax
                    [sha] => 316209993
                    [url] => https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2025/03/24/report-trump-natsec-teams-group-chat-on-houthi-strikes-included-jeffrey-goldberg-author-of-suckers-losers-hoax/
                    [description] => The editor-in-chief of the anti-Trump The Atlantic Jeffrey Goldberg was reportedly added to a group chat with Trump cabinet members and other top officials that was created by National Security Adviser Mike Waltz to coordinate potential United States military strikes against Houthis two days before they happened, according to the magazine. The post Report: Trump NatSec Team’s Group Chat on Houthi Strikes Included Jeffrey Goldberg, Author of ‘Suckers & Losers’ Hoax appeared first on Breitbart.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742852609
                    [extra] => 0

            [89] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Russia, United States wrap up first day of talks on proposed Black Sea ceasefire
                    [sha] => 2419311280
                    [url] => https://news.google.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?oc=5
                    [description] => Russia, United States wrap up first day of talks on proposed Black Sea ceasefire  Baird Maritime
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742852591
                    [extra] => 0

            [90] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump, Hyundai Announce $21 Billion U.S. Investment, with $5.8 Billion for Louisiana Steel Mill
                    [sha] => 3511788789
                    [url] => https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2025/03/24/trump-hyundai-announce-21-billion-u-s-investment-with-5-8-billion-for-louisiana-steel-mill/
                    [description] => President Donald Trump and Hyundai Motor Group Executive Chairman Euisun Chung announced Monday the company is investing $21 billion in the U.S. over the next four years. The post Trump, Hyundai Announce $21 Billion U.S. Investment, with $5.8 Billion for Louisiana Steel Mill appeared first on Breitbart.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742852587
                    [extra] => 0

            [91] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Alexander brother accused of Versace Mansion assault as wealthy siblings face trafficking case
                    [sha] => 2667744790
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/us/alexander-brother-accused-versace-mansion-assault-wealthy-siblings-face-trafficking-case
                    [description] => Maria Suska alleges embattled real estate tycoon Oren Alexander sexually assaulted her at a Miami Beach party in 2014. He and his brothers are facing a trafficking case.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742852538
                    [extra] => 0

            [92] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => John Cena vows to 'ruin wrestling' in pursuit of 17th WWE title at WrestleMania 41
                    [sha] => 1945497121
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/sports/john-cena-vows-ruin-wrestling-pursuit-17th-wwe-title-wrestlemania-41
                    [description] => John Cena appeared on "Monday Night Raw" in Scotland and vowed to win 17th WWE championship and "ruin wrestling" for fans of the sport.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742852481
                    [extra] => 0

            [93] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Former Secretary of the United States Air Force Barbara Barrett Shares Her Trailblazing Journey During President’s Speaker Series Event
                    [sha] => 1875788134
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMid0FVX3lxTFBrMm8yb2dVSGthd0lBdnlzUDJtaGZFUkFXS1ZMUzByenlRM1NUcjV0dWpCLTBIZm5UZXl1LTFGQ0RrWFowXzE1M1pXNDhYaFNiMDJjQXVaVV9EM18wY2pJYmpneUJuTVRwZDVTaXhSMVJyNnhpNFFR?oc=5
                    [description] => Former Secretary of the United States Air Force Barbara Barrett Shares Her Trailblazing Journey During President’s Speaker Series Event  Pepperdine University Newsroom
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742852357
                    [extra] => 0

            [94] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump Estimates '$4 Trillion Worth of Companies' Are 'Moving Back' to U.S.
                    [sha] => 3927512467
                    [url] => https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2025/03/24/trump-estimates-4-trillion-worth-of-companies-are-moving-back-to-u-s/
                    [description] => President Donald Trump estimated that his administration has already identified "maybe $4 trillion worth of companies moving back or going to move back" to the United States thanks to his tariff policies. The post Trump Estimates ‘$4 Trillion Worth of Companies’ Are ‘Moving Back’ to U.S. appeared first on Breitbart.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742852322
                    [extra] => 0

            [95] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Seahawks free agency 2025: Seattle adds veteran tight end from 49ers
                    [sha] => 806658363
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMizAFBVV95cUxNeXhQb2tlQm0tclZWbXRYNmlaU0haNXdWVG9fTm9DS3d4d21tcFJ1T2NEMHk0ZTJjd2ptNXRReVVkajdQZWVrSU9QSkNLNm10dFNZR3gwb05IVmw2NGtCQ2h4di05ODdoQmFYRzhuZzhjeDdmcUJxVW05N1Q4UkpBdTRHdEJybHd1M2FCbHhQSk5MR2lqbl9sVXc5S3p4bGdOby16ZTlKajhOZXBURy11ZHlNQ0NtZklSSmZTdmMza3VXQXJBWDNqdjdzbl8?oc=5
                    [description] => Seahawks free agency 2025: Seattle adds veteran tight end from 49ers  Field Gulls
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742852106
                    [extra] => 0

            [96] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Florida Gators coach Todd Golden unable to book table for his team at San Francisco standby Original Joe's
                    [sha] => 1693719438
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMipAFBVV95cUxOLUttYURzRmxvU1QtVGNKYnc1cEJvVFdWY1lzUF9hMDRYT2ZQX3RRSDU2aTlUUW9qWjV0N1lrTWV1QnhQOGk3Q0pWdXpOSEgyT2JmUkdVclhjc2JudmZScTgtRFBINGZ2RDdqamZtdXBIa1BzZDEydmpFZ1VFUEg1X29MU2tqaGxiYkc5RGV1Uzhxa2cyc0Q2MWlENFgtbmFXNk1MctIBqgFBVV95cUxPbmpqcDluZVp5QThpNTRQVjJTMnBrNmNWeUtOd3V5RGhWVk5xcl8zUk1kSncxdVkwaHRSOGFXRy1ITUpIUEtROHRYemZLN2czWW9ZbmZhREhUWnoxQ0hkakcyQUoxQkpLcWNWbGU3dmpWRV9nQlpoWURjak5WRHA0N2FpemhjbEROYlFINzlXWE81NEpEMXBydUE4OEFsSURrLW9wdGRIVGhLdw?oc=5
                    [description] => Florida Gators coach Todd Golden unable to book table for his team at San Francisco standby Original Joe's  CBS News
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742852100
                    [extra] => 0

            [97] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => As LGBTQ Nonprofits Fear Targeted Attacks, SF Will Consider Easing Disclosure Rules
                    [sha] => 284932728
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMitAFBVV95cUxQbUpKOE1uRXY0RmZMU1dhWktXWnJZTjhjOGtMUnlWQ3VfZ1drS1BpNzRHQmUwUU1BS2hQZzlJQ00xbExac0REOEFmSE1mWWpZOEtpaUZXckdNRk5QTE1EeGtIY3djeFZwempyckpzcEN2d0ItWXBQQmppZjY1WnNMRG1WOUp5OG5ud1N0N0xFLU1hcmQzM1J3dHQyeGlIUGo3Rldrcm4teElQd2M2MmFkbWFGSmM?oc=5
                    [description] => As LGBTQ Nonprofits Fear Targeted Attacks, SF Will Consider Easing Disclosure Rules  KQED
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742852038
                    [extra] => 0

            [98] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => 48 Years After Playing Him, Denzel Washington Revisits Othello With Jake Gyllenhaal As His Iago
                    [sha] => 3196354446
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi4gFBVV95cUxPOEhEMEx6UHY5QXRPblAtdTBObUhVS19ZbTVfRk1MTWdRY3JUWXdnOGVMZHRHN0h6eW9HTlFmSzJqZ1hNak5TbTBWNF9WWGJ6aG4zaUEtaFZzdFI1TWNqU3AxcHNna2I5dXlOQ3RuOHdJVEVnbkpmV0VBenVlWldDRGNETmZnREd6Mjhha2FhSHRvTDkxeE0yTURvTXlrbm5vT2FfdVBXM3RiMFVuVGdfUVJ2amU3N1FsUFJvX2N5VHFkT1RwTnVCdHZUQm5OOVJXb1hXQmRrX1hvUi1Kc1RmZnNR?oc=5
                    [description] => 48 Years After Playing Him, Denzel Washington Revisits Othello With Jake Gyllenhaal As His Iago  Forbes
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742851834
                    [extra] => 0

            [99] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => CNN Comic Michael Ian Black Smears Deceased Former Rep. Mia Love as ‘DEI Congresswoman’
                    [sha] => 2902654305
                    [url] => https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2025/03/24/cnn-comic-michael-ian-black-smears-deceased-former-rep-mia-love-as-dei-congresswoman/
                    [description] => Comedian Michael Ian Black smeared congresswoman Mia Love on the day her death from cancer was announced, calling her a "DEI" hire and hoping President Donald Trump would "erase her." The post CNN Comic Michael Ian Black Smears Deceased Former Rep. Mia Love as ‘DEI Congresswoman’ appeared first on Breitbart.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742851831
                    [extra] => 0


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