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Câte zile mai plouă în luna martie 2025. Când scăpăm de furtuni, potrivit meteorologilor Easeweather

Vremea i-a luat prin surprindere pe români. După o perioadă cu soare și temperaturi ridicate, maximele au scăzut brusc, iar mai multe zone ale țării au fost sub Cod Portocaliu și Cod Roșu de vânt […]

An article from March 14, 2025, by Irina Rasoveanu, discusses the weather forecast for the remainder of March 2025, citing Easeweather, after unexpected storms and a sudden drop in temperatures following a period of sun. The article mentions that storms are expected to continue and references weather alerts issued by the ANM, including Code Red warnings for wind and storms and Code Orange warnings for hail and heavy rain in certain areas. The article directs the reader to learn the number of days of rain expected in March.

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