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Gérard Depardieu este suspectat de fraudă fiscală în formă agravată

Gérard Depardieu, vizat de acuzaţii de violenţă sexuală, este, de asemenea, anchetat pentru fraudă fiscală în formă agravată şi spălare de bani: actorul francez este suspectat că, începând din 2013, ar fi avut domiciliul fictiv…

Gérard Depardieu is under investigation in France for suspected aggravated tax fraud and money laundering, accused of using a fake residence in Belgium since 2013 to evade taxes. The French Financial Prosecutor's Office launched a preliminary inquiry in February 2024, examining the authenticity of his addresses and potential tax evasion. Authorities in Belgium and France conducted searches and interviews, particularly around his properties. Depardieu has denied the allegations, claiming he never forced anyone. Additionally, he faces sexual assault charges related to incidents in 2021 and 2018, with trials scheduled for March 2024 and March 2025, though no decision has been made on the latter. Depardieu, who became a Russian citizen in 2013, was stripped of his honorary citizenship in a Belgian municipality following the allegations.

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