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    [total] => 23241
    [q] => SELECT COUNT(*) AS T FROM news_data  WHERE 1=1  AND iso MATCH 'US'
    [terms] => Array

    [language] => Array
            [0] => US

    [isos] => Array
            [US] => 23241

    [sql] => SELECT * FROM news_data  WHERE 1=1  AND iso MATCH 'US'  ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 100 OFFSET 0
    [data] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Online Harm Gangs Pose ‘Unprecedented Risk’ to Teens, Says U.K. Crime Agency
                    [sha] => 2381601566
                    [url] => https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/25/world/europe/online-gangs-teenage-boys-violence.html
                    [description] => Sadistic online groups are recruiting teenagers in Britain, according to the National Crime Agency, which warned that young men were being targeted with misogynistic material.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742912902
                    [extra] => 0

            [1] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Where To Eat, Drink And Explore On An East Washington Road Trip
                    [sha] => 259799249
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMickFVX3lxTE5DN2UxdUNTOW14dUFTR182V2ZvQmF3YzE3b3Y5cENZeDhvblVtT2hOemFBd2hBSzRLdHo2MUlXV2NxZVNZSXp1RDF1ajgxU2JuMVRrV2F5ZTVfMmEyYXA5UVBZdFNxbXExeU9PSElKYmZ4UQ?oc=5
                    [description] => Where To Eat, Drink And Explore On An East Washington Road Trip  SUITCASE Magazine
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742912845
                    [extra] => 0

            [2] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Hotel Westland in Seattle Previews Interiors Ahead of Opening
                    [sha] => 1075356516
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMikwFBVV95cUxPbGlDd0VUV1dmdElDYzJiRi1VaXBhSUI2c0g4SmVtTFRwdzJEYWZkNUJyWWFwZTZWR2FfT0trNnNEcUtHWW1HaHNBNWlCb29OTjM2LXB1aWpoWkFYY0NYNFp0QTJoME1ON0dydVV3bEJYU080X0k1VGxLVUVhV19jMlBjbWEwMW50el95aGJPYUVpaVU?oc=5
                    [description] => Hotel Westland in Seattle Previews Interiors Ahead of Opening  Travel Agent Central
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742912795
                    [extra] => 0

            [3] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => China presents top military, cyber threat to United States, US report says
                    [sha] => 2491202431
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMisAFBVV95cUxPcGkzUjNfT0xSb1pxdFFKMzhsQldJLTlOUDN0MFp3a1pzem8yVFlDaVo0RnotcThZN280TkJPWjhSTWU1Qk5iUlhMaG5wejZUR0ljYnlrellsVFBmN192eWlNZ1NMSkxteE5RSG82T3BsTlVUOWJPbFdDcWd2WkdEYkN2Rms1b3lZMzlrWVpuWmJCbmxsZnR6ZHA0dkpIbC1sRFR5cC10NVV3cXFyNGVrSw?oc=5
                    [description] => China presents top military, cyber threat to United States, US report says  Reuters
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742912601
                    [extra] => 0

            [4] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Travel Advisories for Foreign Nationals Entering the United States | Mintz
                    [sha] => 132214794
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiigFBVV95cUxOQzNpT0Y0TnVUblB0N181S0tON3ROSXYxX05KOUV5eHljU0tkSjlhcGJRRm84U0xNYnlLSmQzSE9PaDNNRUdFZTdaR00xSGpBRzRfVEVOS3N0XzY1SzRTVWtlR1hWQkd1Y0R5a2g4WlJZMndfYmpVYVV4SmFNY3VZdVU3TmtDcnFrSFE?oc=5
                    [description] => Travel Advisories for Foreign Nationals Entering the United States | Mintz - Immigration Viewpoints  JD Supra
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742912600
                    [extra] => 0

            [5] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Waymo will launch Washington, D.C., robotaxi service in 2026
                    [sha] => 3371044789
                    [url] => https://news.google.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?oc=5
                    [description] => Waymo will launch Washington, D.C., robotaxi service in 2026  NBC Philadelphia
                    [category] => 3
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742912286
                    [extra] => 0

            [6] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Consumer attitudes worsen more than expected amid Trump's tariffs: Survey
                    [sha] => 3093580767
                    [url] => https://abcnews.go.com/Business/consumer-attitudes-worsen-expected-amid-trumps-tariffs-survey/story?id=120126872
                    [description] => Survey of shopper woes comes days before the onset of additional U.S. tariffs.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742912213
                    [extra] => 0

            [7] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Sullivan Shares Vision of Seizing Economic Opportunities for Alaska’s Future in Address to Legislature
                    [sha] => 2875265406
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi1gFBVV95cUxPZkE0THNIVjJzRTI0Z29oWEVPMW9VWHR0QS1kTVY2cEpMOGJPTkRFSmNnVlJLOXdpcUdyUjBBVW10VElsYUg5Z0hoQ1Y1bTVVUDFNQUR4T3ptNkVGVDA4dWU3RTlTZ2U0ZWVjR3Q4ZzhnSzgxQnFKRkdJVldnOGJkQ25ZemI1SHpHVmxMZ0s4UVhPMnhBNHFrb3BfTktlSHFQaUc0ZXFyd0U1b2l6LV9xTTVVaEZWMlFzS3g3aG5FWlJIODVaekt4Y2g0bkpEWGFvTXlLVDFR?oc=5
                    [description] => Sullivan Shares Vision of Seizing Economic Opportunities for Alaska’s Future in Address to Legislature  Alaska Native News
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742911927
                    [extra] => 0

            [8] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Israeli Police Question Palestinian Director Hamdan Ballal After West Bank Incident
                    [sha] => 2166461487
                    [url] => https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/25/world/middleeast/israel-police-hamdan-ballal-palestinian.html
                    [description] => Witnesses said that Hamdan Ballal was assaulted by masked settlers in his home village. The Israeli military said he was detained on suspicion of throwing stones, which he denies.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742911915
                    [extra] => 0

            [9] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Leukemia patient, twin sister get birthday surprise from Washington Co. deputies, K
                    [sha] => 2788958907
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiuAFBVV95cUxPWHBGZjRrLXUzdnB4UXZNTElYY2NoUzYxNHRjcUZIY3pCMVFHU1hXRFRrdGFUT0lISG5xTElfWW94bTNjY3YzWUtiNmxQRjNKYlNyWUhSM0xaa0toRUx6QVdyT3JGNktRc2t2X05Da0p2RUdZWGpaUXFGR1lmQnVRMTltTXJOdTFodmxFNVdjV0pEMDBzQXBGTC1QQ3p6ZFZBTHl1NkxlVkoyRjAtRjNpSUhZN0VmTkVu?oc=5
                    [description] => Leukemia patient, twin sister get birthday surprise from Washington Co. deputies, K-9s  Fox 12 Oregon
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742911320
                    [extra] => 0

            [10] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump administration blamed for rise of 'satanism' in United States schools
                    [sha] => 1043454124
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMimAFBVV95cUxPV1NjWV9PckpTNUlLZXdsRTdfenAxWThYQVZST21fMXVpYVdsZTBCV1RCRC1FeEs0QWhCd0s1QWpYdk85VU9DV1RKdFNMa1Z0Rk9KM3lvX2FGcUxVbHRsODZYY2RRV0VGYi10MlViRkthNzlDTENqQkRlVXV1MmpqMzJWb2I2RFJWeHFZLTMxM2RHd2p4aElvSNIBngFBVV95cUxOcVZYa0pjNzd1UnBRa3R5NTVBYXR0UHNKNHoxa0V4Vzl6eUVIR0g5ZVpEWlFDdWRjUWNJenFvTDg5ai1uR09oM3FNTzR3ZFVzbXd1V2hlbkhJTktuRXVNQTFqbTA2Ukpnbk9LMV9KUmhzak5vMVh3ZHc2S0MxMWlfQXZFdVJ5eWUyVnhsemNoWjlYREQzNVRWNkpOV2dVdw?oc=5
                    [description] => Trump administration blamed for rise of 'satanism' in United States schools  The Mirror US
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742911247
                    [extra] => 0

            [11] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Technology developed by MIT engineers makes pesticides stick to plant leaves
                    [sha] => 3910671115
                    [url] => https://news.mit.edu/2025/mit-engineers-develop-pesticides-stick-on-plant-leaves-0325
                    [description] => With the new system, farmers could significantly cut their use of pesticides and fertilizers, saving money and reducing runoff.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742911200
                    [extra] => 0

            [12] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Less than a week to save $300+ on TechCrunch All Stage passes
                    [sha] => 1076820338
                    [url] => https://techcrunch.com/2025/03/25/less-than-a-week-to-save-300-on-techcrunch-all-stage-passes/
                    [description] => The premiere founder conference brought to you by TechCrunch is heading back to Boston on July 15. TC All Stage 2025 (formerly known as Early Stage) is our tentpole East Coast event that promises an agenda full of founder knowledge — for all stages — that will be passed along to you. What’s more, if […]
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742911200
                    [extra] => 0

            [13] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Plural’s platform allows enterprises to manage their Kubernetes clusters in one place
                    [sha] => 3351314405
                    [url] => https://techcrunch.com/2025/03/25/plurals-platform-allows-enterprises-to-manage-their-kubernetes-clusters-in-one-place/
                    [description] => When Sam Weaver was vice president of product management at Unqork, he realized that the company needed a better way to manage its sprawling network of Kubernetes clusters — which are groups of computing nodes. When Unqork couldn’t find anything off the shelf, it assembled a 15-person team to build a Kubernetes management product. Despite […]
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742911200
                    [extra] => 0

            [14] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Apple Music is integrating with music tools to allow DJs to create mixes using its catalog
                    [sha] => 1136694524
                    [url] => https://techcrunch.com/2025/03/25/apple-3/
                    [description] => Apple said today it is opening up its catalog to let users build mix sets by integrating the platform with a number of tools. These tools include Algoriddim’s djay Pro software, hardware platforms AlphaTheta, Serato, inMusic’s Engine DJ, Denon DJ, Numark, and RANE DJ. This will possibly attract DJs to explore Apple Music’s catalog of over 100 million songs and also […]
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742911200
                    [extra] => 0

            [15] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => ESPN rankings have Seattle Seahawks slightly lower after blockbuster moves
                    [sha] => 2424539750
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMirgFBVV95cUxOM05FSHN2OWMxM0RBclNIbHdiVDJTYUkwQkdIUkktVmFXQTZnLXFGZzVkRV9RVnV0VlotNjE3OG16UnRZRF84ZGx0el9qdlJISHExUXMtdmNjMmJfT1JUSnJWRlpfT2w4UjNxUkxkOWJBZW40cGR4bTNvVHhPanRxcjJka0dzWEkyWXliUGhOUHY4Vktob2ZfRHkwN3hocXVxY0xyU2NLSHVxRVRSbkE?oc=5
                    [description] => ESPN rankings have Seattle Seahawks slightly lower after blockbuster moves  Sports Illustrated
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742911200
                    [extra] => 0

            [16] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => China releases staff of an American due diligence firm in move to woo investors
                    [sha] => 659989755
                    [url] => https://www.npr.org/2025/03/25/g-s1-55655/china-releases-staff-of-an-american-due-diligence-firm-in-move-to-woo-investors
                    [description] => The release of the employees from the firm, the Mintz Group, comes as China is trying to woo back foreign investors to help revive its sagging economy.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742911189
                    [extra] => 0

            [17] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Hear Ye! This Renaissance Fair Near Los Angeles Will Take You Back In Time
                    [sha] => 283052247
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiakFVX3lxTE8xeXZzMjcwdl9aM0lpM1ZYREJWMF92UWNiV0Q4dFNsT2xMbUd6c2NpeXJ5SnVsTUtrRnR5eVdNOWdpZGh6c3JKelh1Tkt5a3A1OEFBTjFzR3h4dU1BeERuM1REYUpDS2VDZkE?oc=5
                    [description] => Hear Ye! This Renaissance Fair Near Los Angeles Will Take You Back In Time  Secret Los Angeles
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742911148
                    [extra] => 0

            [18] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => New geometric design of material provides safer bicycle helmet
                    [sha] => 1361602298
                    [url] => https://techxplore.com/news/2025-03-geometric-material-safer-bicycle-helmet.html
                    [description] => By using new geometric shapes in shock-absorbing material, researchers at the Universities of Gothenburg and Isfahan have developed a bicycle helmet that provides better protection against head injuries. The material absorbs shock by contracting bilaterally.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742910723
                    [extra] => 0

            [19] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Medford is the latest place to see a news outlet rise from the ashes. But it’s far from the only one.
                    [sha] => 2284689807
                    [url] => https://www.boston.com/news/local-news/2025/03/25/medford-is-the-latest-place-to-see-a-news-outlet-rise-from-the-ashes-but-its-far-from-the-only-one/
                    [description] => In towns or cities which lacked local coverage for years, these start-up local news sources are filling the gaps. The post Medford is the latest place to see a news outlet rise from the ashes. But it’s far from the only one. appeared first on Boston.com.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742910044
                    [extra] => 0

            [20] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Seattle weather: Tuesday expected to be the warmest day so far this year
                    [sha] => 1072620294
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiVEFVX3lxTFBiNzMxbjhycjdVM3hUMGNudk95ZlRRUUQ1S2NuU2puREdoVGdsQVRkRnVWbVNhdlBEY1hOaGRaTnE5bkNsQUE5cTdDVk5aMlU1c2ZuatIBWkFVX3lxTE02SlRXVTJ1TE5MZnZvZzJDdTFTbEZKajVXTFcwRGlvR1FfdGVIVGZZaFc1bkNESUJ3c2xkVWNrc3pWNE9WSjJ2LXFFWkpMZUJfbXhDdS1HMkh5Zw?oc=5
                    [description] => Seattle weather: Tuesday expected to be the warmest day so far this year  FOX 13 Seattle
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742909760
                    [extra] => 0

            [21] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Federal funding released for this year’s operations of Alaska research vessel; future undetermined
                    [sha] => 3535134887
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiyAFBVV95cUxNa0Q2YTlkMWJZWll5OEhNNE1NWF9fX1hKemswOWFiVVhmQzZBcE00THd2WUhZMlFERjg3Z2VDS0JPUWM4UFhxNFFJUjVyQkZhdGhMWlg4cjUyaHUwYjdHOTFIbjh2VnZXcFlobklOSEEyOFZKaU5CYTZNamZZSjFXNFU4SFprY1N3RmxydWpZSUZhckJabXB3dmNfVFg5SENWUDh5SmxPNEYzT0FSQ0hBUUZ5V3kwcWJJdW5vaTZxaDFvN0I0alp2bg?oc=5
                    [description] => Federal funding released for this year’s operations of Alaska research vessel; future undetermined  Alaska Beacon
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742909534
                    [extra] => 0

            [22] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Russia and US ‘did not agree on joint statement’ after Ukraine ceasefire talks, Russian media reports
                    [sha] => 2077521609
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiakFVX3lxTFBYdlhGckJfVElON2FyUzdXUHdBWURmSW5JNktJQ0RoMVZzbXZjaXVNNkhuelU3Sk1NUTVRaG9BQzJIVzN2NUtEY3N6Ung1VXZMYjhPdG0yOVE4U0t3RW1YbEZ2a29hN0IwcFE?oc=5
                    [description] => Russia and US ‘did not agree on joint statement’ after Ukraine ceasefire talks, Russian media reports  AOL
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742909419
                    [extra] => 0

            [23] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Expert Available to Comment on Partial Crescent Eclipse Over Northeast United States | Newswise
                    [sha] => 2975133687
                    [url] => https://news.google.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?oc=5
                    [description] => Expert Available to Comment on Partial Crescent Eclipse Over Northeast United States | Newswise  Newswise
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742909100
                    [extra] => 0

            [24] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Man and woman charged with arson in massive Cape restaurant fire
                    [sha] => 511299153
                    [url] => https://www.boston.com/news/crime/2025/03/25/man-and-woman-charged-with-arson-in-massive-cape-restaurant-fire/
                    [description] => The November blaze took hours to control. The post Man and woman charged with arson in massive Cape restaurant fire appeared first on Boston.com.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742909078
                    [extra] => 0

            [25] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Live updates: Washington faces war plans Signal chat fallout
                    [sha] => 879282481
                    [url] => https://news.google.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?oc=5
                    [description] => Live updates: Washington faces war plans Signal chat fallout  The Hill
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742909019
                    [extra] => 0

            [26] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Intelligence leaders will testify before Congress, fresh off the group chat fiasco
                    [sha] => 2807926437
                    [url] => https://www.npr.org/2025/03/25/nx-s1-5339484/signal-war-plans-congress
                    [description] => Some of the nation's top intelligence officials are due to appear before Congress in a pair of hearings this week. Two were participants in a widely-criticized war plans group chat on Signal.
                    [category] => 8
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742908579
                    [extra] => 0

            [27] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => San Francisco weather: Heat records set, more warm temps expected
                    [sha] => 2261913831
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMikwFBVV95cUxPVXFCNTNaVEVyN1dTODhCMUtOdFpJcWYtbnI4WFBIdWVLNDZ6VkVXaFotWXN3X1RoMGJsQlNKWXpCS1lsMzhzczRheS1ZRnNOS0FnTzloRjRGUUZiMlZ3T1BLRDRjWmFidWg3SlJMbGw2T2RFQ3FXdUVISC1VWnJCa2NSYzNEbWRwODZma2VTcWhQLUnSAZgBQVVfeXFMTVlhay0tV0Vpa2FwTU5KV0tWcWwzTk9ERTAyeEYxTlRfRmpTQXBsWmdmYXdLeFIwN0daN2JYZ2s1aWhHdVpCTXUxNHR1ZHF5d1pncUZ3dFdTWUZFRjFKR0s2NVRnYUZQelRYRUt4S05Ga1pkZEpqQ0xXeGdMZl93ZXhDbWVqSG5oajZpNkFfY19rTVN4eEJKUW8?oc=5
                    [description] => San Francisco weather: Heat records set, more warm temps expected  KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742908567
                    [extra] => 0

            [28] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Character AI is adding parental supervision tools to improve teen safety
                    [sha] => 879442652
                    [url] => https://techcrunch.com/2025/03/25/character-ai-is-adding-parental-supervision-tools/
                    [description] => Character AI, the startup that lets users create and chat with different characters, is today rolling out new parental insights features to increase user safety. This is after a string of lawsuits and criticism against the company over failing to protect children from harm. The new features primarily give a summary of teens’ activity on […]
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742908500
                    [extra] => 0

            [29] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => After war plans blunder, Senate will question US intelligence officials on national security threats
                    [sha] => 516965635
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiogFBVV95cUxNeVdRWkp0MTM4UjQzOEpFTVVoYVdQZC1RWkRXNVh2UzFFazJwUTZLdHFSb1pvc0szRmFIdkhxWG4wMDZ6ZDQ3LTc2eGRrdDBZeGppUUY3YXN4X2pYT3VGb1BUc3VqSnkzVV9zQmVYT1A4UWFpb2JrZDdBeHM5ZUs1WDNDUDNhQWRaajJ2by04dnQyWFhMTktJcXp0UTgtZmNSRVE?oc=5
                    [description] => After war plans blunder, Senate will question US intelligence officials on national security threats  The Associated Press
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742908440
                    [extra] => 0

            [30] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => In photos: Moments from Washington for the week of March 24, 2025
                    [sha] => 4234140769
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMieEFVX3lxTFBjMTd4aXZGOUNOUGFMUXdtbEJMbklwc3d5Nk8yTEQxeUVYaFVfdEU4S0pEQWFxX2hYYVJ0WVEtSVlKcC1ZcEtBNm1sV0pSRGJfZ0N3WTFTYm1mN1dvbWJieVU5UFRMZWpvY0E2Y0wwLVNyQVVOeThaZw?oc=5
                    [description] => In photos: Moments from Washington for the week of March 24, 2025 - All Photos  UPI News
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742908020
                    [extra] => 0

            [31] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Story Land, Water Country, other New England attractions sold to new owner
                    [sha] => 3227000280
                    [url] => https://www.boston.com/travel/travel/2025/03/25/story-land-water-country-other-new-england-attractions-sold-to-new-owners/
                    [description] => “These historic and beloved properties have been family traditions for generations, and we are honored to help carry that legacy forward.” The post Story Land, Water Country, other New England attractions sold to new owner appeared first on Boston.com.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742907855
                    [extra] => 0

            [32] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => What’s closed for César Chávez Day, on March 31, in the Los Angeles area
                    [sha] => 2155258077
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiqwFBVV95cUxOY18yWjRSdEdwN3lkVVZ2czRiY01aRXg0Z040Z3VOaHIzXzJTZ1lyQ3kxZjRjc2UtNlZoLTB6SXFZOWo1TFR5WWNFWE1WY0VtUnFtTEp1NThYZy1qUHFUMjdvQ0NnWmJ1cmlLUlhpWjRiemFGN0UtamRnVWFjTl9oMG8ySWtZWW43aUQyTG1SUzgwbUJfeFQ0azg4RUIzYnY1V19wNVRjZUIxTU3SAbABQVVfeXFMUEJhS2ZsTTMxS29GNFdzaUpSZUQzUHF5NWhTTFZhY191NmhTdEVCdF84WFhoQktTRllUdmFYVGFucXp6TU5iY3E4Yk9rY0tPTy1ZWUZfak1TOHp1UnJueDZFVG1CeW5kbDNRcWxYWVpnR0VTSzd5TmVfYzZzbUk1N2h6MFBqVERET2htaUFkUXljQUVKaE96WlQ5SUdHTUxrLThrb2dwbllkTW5SZG9ta1I?oc=5
                    [description] => What’s closed for César Chávez Day, on March 31, in the Los Angeles area  LA Daily News
                    [category] => 1
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                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742907612
                    [extra] => 0

            [33] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Seattle Seahawks' Sam Darnold deal ranked among worst contracts in free agency
                    [sha] => 692289552
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMivAFBVV95cUxNbGpFTHhiaGtyLWc3eUNlanJCZzRUZ3NhbjBKenVMSmMzemcxQ2xPSzRfeHRGZjYzVWNtak02X19WWXl4eXh6V2JUQVhiM3g4OTFFTExSQ0RFc3UxclpvdnIyMG1LWk1ocXBYN0tad2ExQk9pdTNJYk1lclBZblktUTM0akZNY2lJXzN2WnpyZGVnZzU4dGlRVTdDV2gtQ2xCSUdDaUVJTGd4c21CbUFBbDVvb1pwN1Rranc1LQ?oc=5
                    [description] => Seattle Seahawks' Sam Darnold deal ranked among worst contracts in free agency  Sports Illustrated
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742907602
                    [extra] => 0

            [34] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Washington Commanders must sign $68 million star receiver to extension
                    [sha] => 2561317869
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMivAFBVV95cUxNSDFobUlOa3hKLWJnMXNZY2FEVTB3S2hBRHJVaW9ETEh4N1ZrbVF4YkJTVzd6ZWNwbkVtMFZXZHh1UzViWDlQNnhLV01DSk5hWlZEcVRLZHJReWxTTzVOM2pyMWhwVmQwUnVvTzM1bXhHcmQybDhrYjJuajFvRjZlaVBRVG1YV2pHeXc3T2psUVBhbWMtSWZyRUhpTGRkcnhoa3lpc2Q4MHVDSkNBelZQMFBNTjcxcGtVeEc3YQ?oc=5
                    [description] => Washington Commanders must sign $68 million star receiver to extension  Sports Illustrated
                    [category] => 3
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742907601
                    [extra] => 0

            [35] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Opinion | Can a shiny squad of CEOs really help SF get its groove back?
                    [sha] => 1321043464
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMipgFBVV95cUxQVHUwRHZrdURTRGhRTk5uNXBhQlJoNVJ0SzA0ajMwVzFxZ2NRb2VROVJwOUUwOTNXV1ZfRlNoQkpKaFpKV1BHVG5FRTk0VXpRSnNiczlyRXc0cExZdnc4bXB1eXRpUU1CNzI0R2ZkQ2E3b08wSFlXekM0RzFaYjF0czQ3S25Lc1RiQnM3NDgtVkUxUzhpQjIwVWxOTHRPX2lHb3lMdE53?oc=5
                    [description] => Opinion | Can a shiny squad of CEOs really help SF get its groove back?  The San Francisco Standard
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
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                    [date] => 1742907600
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            [36] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Rant and Rave: Reader and dog experienced kindness from two strangers
                    [sha] => 1716431450
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                    [description] => Rant and Rave: Reader and dog experienced kindness from two strangers  The Seattle Times
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742907600
                    [extra] => 0

            [37] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Seattle gets waterfront restroom as problems persist citywide
                    [sha] => 827135767
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiswFBVV95cUxQRF84b1hVUWFGT014UXFpZHczSWZUS1hYR1ZKcksyREpTcHdqVjFhRHNVX3JqOHlfbXEwMGpNcC16Zk56SWRsWHdoNzZEdGxDbDJweHRyNkFmVE96WmtJYkUzNVB2a3BOM1lZdzZaY0dOSGRKc1d4VElWaFJOM2NPNEJ1SVNKSXdLTkI1QU1GSHBULVpuQ3h3Wm1kZExCMTRaMUIzMWJwMzRHLXd6aWdlal95QQ?oc=5
                    [description] => Seattle gets waterfront restroom as problems persist citywide  The Seattle Times
                    [category] => 1
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                    [date] => 1742907600
                    [extra] => 0

            [38] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Tattoos, flyers and deleted photos: The limited evidence the Trump administration is using to try to deport migrants
                    [sha] => 1991909906
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                    [description] => Tattoos, flyers and deleted photos: The limited evidence the Trump administration is using to try to deport migrants  CNN
                    [category] => 1
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                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742907360
                    [extra] => 0

            [39] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Temporary accommodation, affordable modular housing can help communities recover from natural disasters
                    [sha] => 1159691843
                    [url] => https://techxplore.com/news/2025-03-temporary-accommodation-modular-housing-communities.html
                    [description] => The beginning of 2025 saw wildfires sweep through Los Angeles—leaving a trail of devastation, destroying thousands of homes and displacing many more LA residents. According to reports as of early February 2025, more than 18,000 structures were damaged or lost, and more than 200,000 people were forced to evacuate.
                    [category] => 1
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                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742906705
                    [extra] => 0

            [40] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => As city cracks down, San Francisco’s drug crisis moves to new neighborhoods
                    [sha] => 1722121454
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                    [description] => As city cracks down, San Francisco’s drug crisis moves to new neighborhoods  KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742906611
                    [extra] => 0

            [41] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => World Figure Skating Championships: Meet the contenders and Americans competing in Boston
                    [sha] => 1243672083
                    [url] => https://www.boston.com/sports/sports-news/2025/03/25/world-figure-skating-championships-boston/
                    [description] => Here’s a rundown of the contenders for the medal stand, with a number of Americans in the mix: The post World Figure Skating Championships: Meet the contenders and Americans competing in Boston appeared first on Boston.com.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742906345
                    [extra] => 0

            [42] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Washington County man facing sex trafficking, assault charges
                    [sha] => 435828622
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi1wFBVV95cUxPSk9POF9RNHJwU3h5ZnRCbURMeXdfd0RWblFTaEVqTVlkZ192dE5vRmpGcDI3MV9tSmpiN2I0Y1huOHJMSGtDUE9wRUw4NDlBaWdkY2xMazJ1cTdFTGtzcDZrcUE1cGctVExzaVpFbHJIUU5GZElNREk4c0xuaVhldGRKRkNZd0JlOFFEWTRsVDRQLUctbWoxX2ctNHM0aHlrbktlVnNaOTNZZC1fcm9YbWFZUmpqbF9UeWYtek1uMk9wTHNXTUVLMnB3MUZlZ05FU0Q3RVBCYw?oc=5
                    [description] => Washington County man facing sex trafficking, assault charges  KGW.com
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742906280
                    [extra] => 0

            [43] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Man, 2 children found alive hours after plane crashes in Alaska
                    [sha] => 2078284787
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMihgFBVV95cUxOX2h3MnpXMktJaEdPc1ZtV1Q1cV9JX0ZCSkdmQlA0U0pXNnV2aTZ6NGFOcXlxbHV1NExQQVVScDYyRW1hWXRvdzFXTUpfWTVIYXZGcG9VVndGQzllMEtYbWhJb2llek5LNW9OeGlUYkFwV3pGaFVCY2xQUlkybEpVc25wOWtjUdIBiwFBVV95cUxOeHlFb3FTLVFTcW9rdUZNaDAzSUxFcE9FeXJFU3RyRDU3ZVE1V1VLaGJFalE0ajliYTRrWXdpak1BZ1hkQXB3VVNZRTMtTlI1dXZuVFN2U2NzOHRzUElHRlZHSExuQnFTVm93WmZCWEp0ZFhCTFhYeUdpd3hhOTJydkxkSGZkelJhUklV?oc=5
                    [description] => Man, 2 children found alive hours after plane crashes in Alaska  FOX 32 Chicago
                    [category] => 5
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                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742906262
                    [extra] => 0

            [44] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Lindsey Vonn captures 2nd place in World Cup with hopes for 2026 Olympics
                    [sha] => 3292100363
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/sports/lindsey-vonn-captures-2nd-place-world-cup-hopes-2026-olympics
                    [description] => American Olympic gold medalist Lindsey Vonn was back on the podium over the weekend with an historic second-place finish in a World Cup race.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742906078
                    [extra] => 0

            [45] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Intel chiefs go before Congress after Trump administration’s Signal leak
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                    [description] => Intel chiefs go before Congress after Trump administration’s Signal leak  The Washington Post
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742905984
                    [extra] => 0

            [46] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Wildfires ripping through the southern United States amid unusually dry conditions and heavy winds
                    [sha] => 210245641
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMilgJBVV95cUxPb1JlYjVXUmJmZDZ2b1F4QWlCemhXSTNQeUFmeEhUQ1NqVkN0RTFicDJKdENkWU05TXRFbVozTl9EU0E1anU0TVJSajNDZVp6emFrZTIxekZjUDZWcE9OU1FoaWM4NkUwemNPY29tVEpOQlBXNlk1dXdxSXYyM0lQT1N6S1BoV2RiXzNYMzFPQnZPeVFCUGpxbmtaclEtRnRPVmROS0ZsMUhDSms4R0JOMW0yNlRxUWVOZTYyYURiS0M1WEx0TnlKRWl1WGMxQUZrY1BQTTU3QmQ0M2JqMGJFMXd1bHV1YmZKbm1iWmNDODFoTmlPZjkyT3lqNmh5Z0JPUzQwTWtxRVJ2MXpESm9fMDAzN2RsQQ?oc=5
                    [description] => Wildfires ripping through the southern United States amid unusually dry conditions and heavy winds  KING5.com
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742905980
                    [extra] => 0

            [47] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Signal war plans chat: Five takeaways from leaked US top military meeting
                    [sha] => 1468040454
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiWkFVX3lxTFA2d3NVRmVaVVVITUJXRDFCbDNtelN2WkdOUmhwN3JlRl9qU0pxSzJZWXNkdWM3bHhuNExhemdOTTVOZzN4dWNJOVRORC10TlEyMFZkS2ljajBNZ9IBX0FVX3lxTFBhSXAxQ3lpVk5lbnF1VnphQS1KZ3VocUh3YkZqdEVXbFhjWUdTNHpBYzJvcUtuQjZqcWlQaXNNYXhlalpWMGNjMEptT196NGxaeDNVLURyNkZPUk1rdmFv?oc=5
                    [description] => Signal war plans chat: Five takeaways from leaked US top military meeting  BBC.com
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742905889
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            [48] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Reborn Coffee Franchise Expands with Addition of Bosco Bakery in Los Angeles, California
                    [sha] => 1200111250
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMijwFBVV95cUxQdVQtNEg4OHdQSGFIMHlzSzZtVFV6YTBjbUNJLTkzaTVhZjlfWEVLb1RYeWR3aUU4aXBxQlFnV1d0dXlKV25mYzZ2YTJRanVjVm81SlJ3OGNuQl9zZ0pPNXc5eTFIaTkyNVdVVF8wNG9ZaUlWQVJaMHRLWGRJUnJvWU01ZWh0bmctdlBsMmhtbw?oc=5
                    [description] => Reborn Coffee Franchise Expands with Addition of Bosco Bakery in Los Angeles, California  Yahoo Finance
                    [category] => 1
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                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742905860
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            [49] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump DOJ invokes state secrets in Tren de Aragua deportation case
                    [sha] => 17697439
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-doj-invokes-state-secrets-tren-de-aragua-deportation-case
                    [description] => Attorney General Pam Bondi defended President Donald Trump's administration in its assertion of state secrets privilege over details of deportation flights for Tren de Aragua gang members.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742905493
                    [extra] => 0

            [50] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Pollak: Klein and Thompson's 'Abundance' Offers Democrats Criticism
                    [sha] => 45352825
                    [url] => https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2025/03/25/pollak-klein-and-thompsons-abundance-offers-democrats-criticism-and-more-utopian-thinking/
                    [description] => The book, however, repeats the central mistake of liberalism under the Democratic Party, which is to presume that the role of government is to move the country towards utopia, rather than to protect its citizens from basic dangers and disaster. The post Pollak: Klein and Thompson’s ‘Abundance’ Offers Democrats Criticism — and More Utopian Thinking appeared first on Breitbart.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742905353
                    [extra] => 0

            [51] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Parkland school shooting victim, Joaquin Oliver, honored with mural in Washington DC
                    [sha] => 4181513203
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMitAFBVV95cUxNeHk4S2lPeEpZTU9NY2JkTzlzQWFmUnBYbmw5VFc3VENKZC1BcGluYWVwVU80VUV1V0RyZWtXUHZRTVRqYW1YSWVCNVdzaTZnZkpFaW9BLXVGYUI0NEFiZ1Y1ZUprbnY1MFhybFZHUnl6d3N6blNuNHlBcnBYM0pvOFdadE51dFhwQnhlZ3EzNEFKejF4TDJLWnN5dTBjLXczNWpjb1Z3WVkxc2dxaUtnLUlRU1E?oc=5
                    [description] => Parkland school shooting victim, Joaquin Oliver, honored with mural in Washington DC  WSVN 7News | Miami News, Weather, Sports | Fort Lauderdale
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742905328
                    [extra] => 0

            [52] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => TCU's Hailey Van Lith gets candid about mental health struggles, shares how prayer helped
                    [sha] => 4214420103
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/sports/tcus-hailey-van-lith-gets-candid-about-mental-health-struggles-shares-how-prayer-helped
                    [description] => TCU women's basketball star Hailey Van Lith opened up about her mental health struggles and how prayer helped her willingness to share her story.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742904776
                    [extra] => 0

            [53] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Bondi issues stern warning as DOGE uncovers ‘tremendous amount of fraud’ and more top headlines
                    [sha] => 1174998538
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/us/bondi-issues-stern-warning-doge-uncovers-tremendous-fraud-more-top-headlines
                    [description] => Get all the stories you need-to-know from the most powerful name in news delivered first thing every morning to your inbox.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742904445
                    [extra] => 0

            [54] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => She Missed Her Alaska Airlines Crush—Then A Commenter Shared A Genius Trick To Find Him [Roundup]
                    [sha] => 1710113026
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiwgFBVV95cUxPWGFQT1lzdGprQmVIWFZMdUR2eU0zdS15aHMtdGp5QnRGUHg3dEJ4N3ZoWkRZd2o1OXdsOEtrTTlBaWJSLS0xMnFhQnlIbDVRRjFsVUY1R1lRZzdtT0pERndndVBRR1h4Z1hWR0Z2UU9VZURFMExvdnNrbzZKYU81MDZ4U3U3bkZaWnNVNTFFR3hoREhZeWFnUUlpNU9LTGFtZzdtM0RnQldWN1pZYmNyelVyYUNCanVNaVA2Nk5KX2cyZw?oc=5
                    [description] => She Missed Her Alaska Airlines Crush—Then A Commenter Shared A Genius Trick To Find Him [Roundup]  View from the Wing
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742904251
                    [extra] => 0

            [55] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => China Mocks Snow White Flop: Even Americans Are 'Tired of Disney's Woke Revisions'
                    [sha] => 3010744122
                    [url] => https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2025/03/25/china-mocks-snow-white-flop-even-americans-are-tired-of-disneys-woke-revisions/
                    [description] => The Chinese government-run newspaper Global Times published a devastating takedown of Disney's Snow White live-action remake on Sunday, declaring Chinese audiences were "confused" by the "political optics" of the story and Disney's disrupting of its "cultural essence." The post China Mocks Snow White Flop: Even Americans Are ‘Tired of Disney’s Woke Revisions’ appeared first on Breitbart.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742904054
                    [extra] => 0

            [56] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Congress 'entitled' to 'regulating the conduct' of visa holders, expert says amid deportation push
                    [sha] => 2631256016
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/politics/congress-entitled-regulating-conduct-visa-holders-expert-says-amid-deportation-push
                    [description] => The Trump administration has begun to target some lawful permanent residents, known better as green card holders, for deportation, raising new legal questions.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742904032
                    [extra] => 0

            [57] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Washington Democrats divided on budget: How House and Senate plans differ on taxes, cuts, spending
                    [sha] => 3435437409
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiggFBVV95cUxPbUFiU1BXajZ4bTlzRlA1UHJtaVlWMlhRZllaR0RHOG5xS2llYUZHYTdES2RXT2p1Z05UUU5oRzVFUEc1TFFBUUs5dDNZanhLTm9ucjl5bFlXalFxNlVLZFlxalBfWXMyS3c1RkxHQy1UOTE2cFFYUUZWRHFicV91M2N3?oc=5
                    [description] => Washington Democrats divided on budget: How House and Senate plans differ on taxes, cuts, spending  MyNorthwest
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742904021
                    [extra] => 0

            [58] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Seahawks mock draft: How Seattle might use its extra picks to make a splash
                    [sha] => 294693009
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMilgFBVV95cUxPUWdqNGVtQnVFQWxXTEFmTDVBY3ViTUdLZUtCRmY0VHVyU2RhTFUzbDJ0ZnhFS0xlNHluM2ZPc1pqVXNUaEVpdmgtZHA5anNBVEdncUYtSlA2eWhKZmJwdmw3Z2gyQXNWZ0ZBVUhyeHltNDNlc1BJTEVyaFRKSHJoNkFfOUNMYlJuRUF3Q1FoWmc1YXZPeVE?oc=5
                    [description] => Seahawks mock draft: How Seattle might use its extra picks to make a splash - The Athletic  The New York Times
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742904016
                    [extra] => 0

            [59] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => As Trump Administration Cuts Funding, Researchers Turn to European Universities
                    [sha] => 1747841542
                    [url] => https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/25/europe-trump-science-research.html
                    [description] => European universities have begun recruiting researchers who lost their jobs in the administration’s cost-cutting efforts, or are anxious over perceived threats to academic freedom.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742904008
                    [extra] => 0

            [60] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Lenovo ThinkPad X9 14 Aura Edition Review: No More TrackPoint
                    [sha] => 89045892
                    [url] => https://www.wired.com/review/lenovo-thinkpad-x9-14-aura-edition/
                    [description] => Lenovo finally ditches the iconic little red nubbin on this ThinkPad, which raises the question: Is it still a ThinkPad?
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742904000
                    [extra] => 0

            [61] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Humphries Discusses Washington Trip And New Trigg County Buildings
                    [sha] => 2142966354
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMitAFBVV95cUxPd2k4UEZoUTVTcWNsakpIQkZubWZjRjdCTEdMLWdaLVE1WXhxdS01X3BCaG5wZW1OV2NTMnV6bkYxRDQ1SEhVNGhGTkN2cHFDZ3E1aGd1NWs3NkdCSW9EOGowcmtObWhvMm5lMTd6NmlWTXU0TDN3WUR0cUN3TUM4LWVQWG1FYlZwcHVraTdHRlZRSDlZTDZkcU9JVGowV2dFWmVIVHZZMUpwRGNXd0Z3eElQM0g?oc=5
                    [description] => Humphries Discusses Washington Trip And New Trigg County Buildings  wkdzradio.com
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742903906
                    [extra] => 0

            [62] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Cartel Commander Used TikTok To Recruit Gunmen, Say Mexican Cops
                    [sha] => 2392958434
                    [url] => https://www.breitbart.com/border/2025/03/25/cartel-commander-used-tiktok-to-recruit-gunmen-say-mexican-cops/
                    [description] => An investigation into an alleged cartel training ground and killing field in western Mexico has led authorities to uncover how one of the world's most violent cartels used TikTok to recruit its gunmen. The post Cartel Commander Used TikTok To Recruit Gunmen, Say Mexican Cops appeared first on Breitbart.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742903730
                    [extra] => 0

            [63] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Russia lowers expectations of a ceasefire in Ukraine after negotiations with the United States
                    [sha] => 2279833695
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi5gFBVV95cUxOblVrVnY1NkxPSFVFLUhpSnRvbkh2Y29BV3ljNlNMTU5XZnBhZHlWODZGb1RwZEN2TGRQN01TdDF1Y1MxMkhUcHlua2htc1V6WkhKMHkyb0xGSnJaejRVWE96cXIzWVFDTUNXcno5eUV1OHc1bE04cU1wWDI0R0ZJSVE0UkgwYng5bDRKVTZsRm8yMGdqU2dRNk5FLXI2SmNXOWMtSTFPVy02b1kwaGMzREtkcHNOenVPSGVkSHBBUmZvTVlsMjVEYVBtRUhnbFFZcXFaU1pNdjY0MlYxTDBQMURlUTRoQdIB-gFBVV95cUxNYVRoeGlpdFJ2V1dhNzVHUllRN2NRRTF1VTdLZVVXa0hzbUdMWHdybmhiY0cwZFJoVWVrUDZqdjk3Z2pObUhOS29HbU5KZkpEZXFmTTdYdzVfbTZCY1JHN0tJT1p6UnFfT2tnSjFxUDhzT3FfZWJENmx1SlYxX3R2dktGXzcxUzRKN0dvazlCejB0d19FVV9YcVhEVG9oSDkwNDFUczlfTnVDbGxMLXhxMkhzb3BCSUw5em9EUllicnM1eHNCOUNncVUzZVF1cGgtckdLNkp6Z0syUXBjN2ZackttOG5yWmZuLUZjSEhjcDMyUHUyTDM2WGZ3?oc=5
                    [description] => Russia lowers expectations of a ceasefire in Ukraine after negotiations with the United States  EL PAÍS USA
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742903421
                    [extra] => 0

            [64] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Washington Commanders 'Big 3' Move Would Create NFL Shockwaves with Stefon Diggs Signing
                    [sha] => 2614008644
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi9wFBVV95cUxNNk1NMVJsVTB6SzRmeExpNk9NNVVIYkVaTGc4Q1QydkJmZVg5VTFncVU0SnhTa185Und0TDJfWVBtXzJoSmxtZUd1Vm1EME1mWk9KSFdLX2lvWTNyNTlZSmlwdFU2d3ZTRVpiRlI3SVJSMVdmSmtUUFdKc1BkbmhxVnFESFpTdGVZM0FCUlU3eEdBUlROWi05UlM3eUYxWHBac1Z4TEcxenMyaU8tU0pWeE1vUVlpQ0c1bVZpY3FrdUg3QjhDNENra0F0M0kycWw5c284WS03Zlk5UmhUakotRXFoM3ZXSlpPZDFtUFh1WmRURmo3UXFv?oc=5
                    [description] => Washington Commanders 'Big 3' Move Would Create NFL Shockwaves with Stefon Diggs Signing  Athlon Sports
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742903243
                    [extra] => 0

            [65] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Suspicious 'Incendiary Devices' Discovered at Tesla Dealership in Austin
                    [sha] => 3660224717
                    [url] => https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2025/03/25/suspicious-incendiary-devices-discovered-at-tesla-dealership-in-austin/
                    [description] => Officials from the Austin Police Department (APD) in Texas confirmed several suspicious "incendiary devices" had been discovered at a Tesla dealership in Austin, according to several reports. The post Suspicious ‘Incendiary Devices’ Discovered at Tesla Dealership in Austin appeared first on Breitbart.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742902963
                    [extra] => 0

            [66] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => The Atlantic editor involved in Yemen Signal messaging controversy speaks out
                    [sha] => 1844233030
                    [url] => https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/atlantic-editor-details-moment-realized-included-yemen-group/story?id=120117135
                    [description] => Atlantic editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg discussed the moment he realized he had been added to a Signal chat discussing a U.S. attack on Houthis in Yemen.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742902624
                    [extra] => 0

            [67] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Lavrov: The United States has received Russia's signal about clear guarantees on the Black Sea
                    [sha] => 1562813708
                    [url] => https://news.google.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?oc=5
                    [description] => Lavrov: The United States has received Russia's signal about clear guarantees on the Black Sea  Eurasia Daily
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742902620
                    [extra] => 0

            [68] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Volunteers prepare to serve thousands for public health clinic at Seattle Center
                    [sha] => 169035139
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi2wFBVV95cUxNRjViSGFUYkUtQldBR055NjBHY3JTdDZWQ2NiUGJRTVM3SkxfVmxkcUZkRmI2NmpGSVVTQlIzZHVqYXJudzJWTzZDcXIyX1VPQ0tIQ254R0RkSkEtU3BYbjBEUmpEYS1wamdCOHFMUkNmTEUtRklhNW5iWmxMOWhFQmtkUGxHVF8xRFF4OEFsR3NBSzllZGJaOHRUckZFS2lUVTJhdHlJMDhwT3dvUVpDZGJFTkJIY2tvZUF1cEZrQ1hHRERYcTlzTzZkLTRud25MNkZxaDBtMkpTS28?oc=5
                    [description] => Volunteers prepare to serve thousands for public health clinic at Seattle Center  KOMO News
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742902201
                    [extra] => 0

            [69] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Are the Washington Commanders the most improved team after free agency?
                    [sha] => 2463550805
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiogFBVV95cUxQdk1ORjdmMjk0ajZkeUFRem52bmVfcUJ2NXd3Y2M1djZvOVRHZ0ZhaV85bzRyZVJZZ0VaUEZ2MThFQk80Y0txWFAtamhTWVA5eTZlcDA0OHlfbU9yeUt1Y2Y2cFgzSG5hSXpsWHhZQVRsVnBTU0tkeEhpV3I1TVR0TUN1NXdtVXlTQzhRaW5nMTZnNkt1cFlBYWd4LU9QMUpLN3c?oc=5
                    [description] => Are the Washington Commanders the most improved team after free agency?  Sports Illustrated
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742902200
                    [extra] => 0

            [70] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump Should Fire Special Envoy Witkoff For Tucker Carlson Interview, Says Ukrainian Official
                    [sha] => 3610219626
                    [url] => https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2025/03/25/trump-should-fire-special-envoy-witkoff-for-tucker-carlson-interview-says-ukrainian-official/
                    [description] => A senior Ukrainian politician accused Trump negotiator Witkoff of "shameful and shocking statements" and called for his dismissal.  The post Trump Should Fire Special Envoy Witkoff For Tucker Carlson Interview, Says Ukrainian Official appeared first on Breitbart.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742902196
                    [extra] => 0

            [71] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => ‘In the line of fire’: Residents of one Quebec city sound off on Trump’s Canadian provocations
                    [sha] => 1596614054
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMirgFBVV95cUxPWEUydll5Zl9HUTZTNHVhM28xSzlfUWtCanhhTWFPZ2tBQWM3dF9BTXlOMFV1QkRJYUY4VjZwZ1FtTjlHQWtOMGtpMG9BcHF0dURvRFhmOGlncktXb2NpaE5sT2gzc1YzZV9ZNkM1dlhxUXQwS19neUlid0h2a2dXOFIyMDdfYWtxSXcycFRMQzVVS2Y0VVVoWmFSMVp5VTBEbUhPTDc0UzRuZV9UQ3c?oc=5
                    [description] => ‘In the line of fire’: Residents of one Quebec city sound off on Trump’s Canadian provocations  The Boston Globe
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742902001
                    [extra] => 0

            [72] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => NASA reveals astronauts’ return 'would not have happened' without Trump’s intervention
                    [sha] => 4041536201
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/politics/nasa-reveals-astronauts-return-would-not-have-happened-without-trumps-intervention
                    [description] => NASA Spokeswoman emphasized the Space X rescue mission of stranded astronauts would not have been a success without President Donald Trump's leadership.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742901917
                    [extra] => 0

            [73] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => In federal court in Boston, transgender Americans aim to block Trump’s passport policy change
                    [sha] => 1662185228
                    [url] => https://www.boston.com/news/politics/2025/03/25/boston-transgender-americans-aim-to-block-trump-passport-policy-change/
                    [description] => The American Civil Liberties Union will be in court Tuesday in Boston seeking a preliminary injunction. The post In federal court in Boston, transgender Americans aim to block Trump’s passport policy change appeared first on Boston.com.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742901527
                    [extra] => 0

            [74] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => There’s a hidden architectural gem on the Fillmore Safeway — and it carries a message from the past
                    [sha] => 1001878991
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMingFBVV95cUxNdklsOWNic0FtdktUTWhYZTFkaW9vbVJWb3FBbEVvWThXWG5Uci0xVkVlR3dJYjF3UjBINnY0UVBGS2R4T0NocldhTlJHX1FBbTV6NWVWRlhlV2wyODN4c0F2T2NwQ2VDXzMtTm9SbmNuaXUxOE8xN3V5dmJsSDZIaW5MN0ZwQ3VFYXN2MXRXMHpLVXR2WkpQaFFxM3otdw?oc=5
                    [description] => There’s a hidden architectural gem on the Fillmore Safeway — and it carries a message from the past  San Francisco Chronicle
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742901244
                    [extra] => 0

            [75] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => US, Russia negotiations on Ukraine went 'into detail' in Saudi Arabia, Kremlin says
                    [sha] => 70790605
                    [url] => https://abcnews.go.com/International/us-russia-expected-publish-joint-statement-latest-ukraine/story?id=120123311
                    [description] => The details of talks between the U.S. and Russia that took place in Saudi Arabia on Monday will not be made public, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742901011
                    [extra] => 0

            [76] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => 'The San Francisco dream isn't dead': How one SF dive bar defies all odds
                    [sha] => 3724493648
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiigFBVV95cUxNZ1B1NnRTZGJONHV0eVdWNHpYRXJ1X2g0LVRNNkxpUW9vanpJSGNkSmNVcFMwVnhkY1BCMnRTTmVuZjhXQWIzWlgxZjhmQVQxRDdfcUx1TEJyX25pa1RFcGRNT243OVNqSjh6dy1HaFJ3azhrSTlBVHIwaEJ1bVFPc2FpaDY5VGlSekE?oc=5
                    [description] => 'The San Francisco dream isn't dead': How one SF dive bar defies all odds  SFGATE
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742900999
                    [extra] => 0

            [77] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => These drinks have gained a following among S.F. bartenders. Now the owners are opening a one
                    [sha] => 2165206043
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMihgFBVV95cUxOMlJxcDBqdFJDYWlKVksxMkw4amY2anh3UTZaRWdqbTAwVzBxWTlWOWlxT2VGdEU5SGVvWXQ2ZG9sWlJQQ0JDNE9SNFBuVmJDbTh2SVJjZnJXZWtTZDdZSXRUcnAzNGpKMms0aTRqMlBJLUJlYkgtRGkwUUpnSkhIZWc5SHhLdw?oc=5
                    [description] => These drinks have gained a following among S.F. bartenders. Now the owners are opening a one-of-a-kind destination  San Francisco Chronicle
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742900991
                    [extra] => 0

            [78] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => President Trump’s Radical Changes to Education in the United States
                    [sha] => 714129769
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiqAFBVV95cUxOSzMyRTA0TmNNbzg4MzVJaXJiT2JYZUF0U2R0dlpVaXl3ZGF6elhIRmc3dno5R1NKdEtHbDRILTYyVVpYRTNncEN6Mk9VUVI4Y0x1bHVJY3NiZnJFaDR0ZmhLQWswSjNObVBEN2JvaTd2aW1WbWNnQ0FHaXEtY28tOEYyUnhhY3NzYlRuMVBnUjBpcHVheU43SGRPVDNfMUVCcXRKWFo0dUo?oc=5
                    [description] => President Trump’s Radical Changes to Education in the United States  The Carolinian
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742900794
                    [extra] => 0

            [79] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => WA bill would speed pardon reviews for immigrants facing deportation
                    [sha] => 456931077
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMixgFBVV95cUxNdXVtbm1DcHc4VWI4S0lrZkVSR25SZVRRRHp3dW43X1M3WWtJUVR1cDF6TjhjQThtVl9McXBIcVJmc0FDaWZuVUtPd3Rka1kzZlE4RFh3RWs5RjFJMjhTbnV3UVIwNFNSQnh6VXJWQVVKRXMwN3dwR3gtcVpoZmM1MUM0RzAyejhhdjFGQnhXNm05Z2psZFh4bzVIN2VoR0NobGlRa2t4c2RyQXFteUVzWlVjaEpUUTkwY0NzeTZWUVFDbllFdWc?oc=5
                    [description] => WA bill would speed pardon reviews for immigrants facing deportation  Washington State Standard
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742900778
                    [extra] => 0

            [80] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Washington bill would speed up pardon reviews for immigrants facing deportation
                    [sha] => 3037642006
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                    [description] => Washington bill would speed up pardon reviews for immigrants facing deportation  Washington State Standard
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742900778
                    [extra] => 0

            [81] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => How reporter may have been added to Signal text chain in national security leak, according to WH official
                    [sha] => 1544298582
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/politics/how-reporter-may-have-been-added-signal-text-chain-national-security-leak-according-wh-official
                    [description] => A senior White House official told Fox News that he never met or spoke to The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg and that Signal is allowed at multiple agencies.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742900712
                    [extra] => 0

            [82] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump not planning to fire Waltz after national security text chain leak
                    [sha] => 829600954
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/politics/how-reporter-may-have-been-added-signal-text-chain-national-security-leak-according-wh-official
                    [description] => National Security Adviser Mike Waltz' job is not in jeopardy after The Atlantic's reported a security breach on a Signal text chain with Cabinet officials.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742900712
                    [extra] => 0

            [83] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Opinion | When Benjamin Franklin failed to make Canada the 14th colony
                    [sha] => 3340685947
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiigFBVV95cUxObHBxcFZjcVpLcHdXbmszSUIwYUpzTHBmUEM2eTFJWUIxSHNfTlZWRy01a05NeXMyMWRrMUtCdlQzV29OUGFOY1dlcFVrQkZfZ0NQQmZ4S1E3SmtGc3AtZUp2dlNreEtFYWQtcHNiakxzd0w0QWtlUXhEN1gxNWtuZXQwQmRIMWV4WWc?oc=5
                    [description] => Opinion | When Benjamin Franklin failed to make Canada the 14th colony  The Washington Post
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742900484
                    [extra] => 0

            [84] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Travis Kelce, Taylor Swift should have baby, former NFL stars say
                    [sha] => 359662575
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/sports/travis-kelce-taylor-swift-should-have-baby-former-nfl-stars-say
                    [description] => Former New England Patriots stars Rob Gronkowski and Julian Edelman said in an episode of their podcast that Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce should have a baby together.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742900422
                    [extra] => 0

            [85] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Review | Was it actually Yoko whose career was derailed by the Beatles?
                    [sha] => 324493910
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMimgFBVV95cUxQV1VJdF9ic2Ziek9kVmJqMG9FUnVmX0gwRHZxR09nRW5yMHNRSzk3OHl1YzRVZUZqY1B6OGUycTdBV3l2S0FFVmp0ZHBZcGxmbXliSE9iVFEwZzF2SEp0b2tMTmUyMnBGOGMwbmJFQXNaZ2o1Uml2UTFTOHYtWGRnbGlNSGxuMUNkclFXekd4QUNYSEk2TzBIci13?oc=5
                    [description] => Review | Was it actually Yoko whose career was derailed by the Beatles?  The Washington Post
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742900417
                    [extra] => 0

            [86] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => No signal, no problem: Intelligence firm debuts drone tech equipped to beat GPS jammers
                    [sha] => 3245588631
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/politics/maxar-intelligence-gps-system-drones
                    [description] => Maxar Intelligence has developed software that allows drones to navigate even when GPS signals are blocked – breaking through modern electronic defenses in drone warfare.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742900412
                    [extra] => 0

            [87] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump claims Bezos fretted to him about 'out of control' people at Washington Post
                    [sha] => 3894131874
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/media/trump-claims-bezos-fretted-him-about-out-control-people-washington-post
                    [description] => President Donald Trump spoke highly of Amazon founder and Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos, while claiming Bezos had disparaged some of his own staffers.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742900408
                    [extra] => 0

            [88] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Amid Rising Threats, Transgender Community Builds Bonds at This SF Self
                    [sha] => 573225622
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMivwFBVV95cUxPNzd4LXN2SnFwTFNOb3NwQy11ZmtyYWVMN1lIVDlwY0F5MmFRQ1p1TDdVNWRPSTlrV21MRnhLRHAwM2NvQURJbE8tSF9OOFlDUGdiTkhUQmpnYVRxck1ockIzZWRuNFl6cXRSSUNpZzBvNGJVM3d2SWxtc0plQlBmN3VUVW9xdEptNU9vR3ZFbTFZYllnWFlSU25kZXJieXQ3QnBZckhHTEplbFl5LUVvUk1iXzJsWEdXa1k3M2RKVQ?oc=5
                    [description] => Amid Rising Threats, Transgender Community Builds Bonds at This SF Self-Defense Class  KQED
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742900404
                    [extra] => 0

            [89] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => What happens when a Chicago hospital bows to federal pressure on trans care for teens
                    [sha] => 2404347633
                    [url] => https://www.npr.org/sections/shots-health-news/2025/03/25/nx-s1-5338757/transgender-surgery-lurie-chicago-hospital
                    [description] => Patients and parents speak out after Lurie Children's in Chicago joined other hospitals in stopping gender-affirming surgeries. President Trump's executive order threatened their federal funding.
                    [category] => 1
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                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742900400
                    [extra] => 0

            [90] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => How many Waymos are in SF? Good luck getting a straight answer
                    [sha] => 2042612260
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                    [description] => How many Waymos are in SF? Good luck getting a straight answer  San Francisco Examiner
                    [category] => 1
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                    [date] => 1742900400
                    [extra] => 0

            [91] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => How a journalist was sent the U.S. war plans. And, challenging the Alien Enemies Act
                    [sha] => 3848572491
                    [url] => https://www.npr.org/2025/03/25/g-s1-55643/up-first-briefing-signal-war-plans-alien-enemies-act-usha-vance
                    [description] => A journalist at The Atlantic was unintentionally added to a group chat with top U.S. national security officials discussing war plans. And, the legal battle over the Alien Enemies Act continues.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742900142
                    [extra] => 0

            [92] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => The United States negotiates separately with Russia and Ukraine to achieve a partial ceasefire
                    [sha] => 1519576314
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                    [description] => The United States negotiates separately with Russia and Ukraine to achieve a partial ceasefire  Atalayar EN
                    [category] => 5
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                    [date] => 1742900069
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            [93] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Morning Report — Washington grapples with fallout from war plans leak
                    [sha] => 2252995353
                    [url] => https://news.google.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?oc=5
                    [description] => Morning Report — Washington grapples with fallout from war plans leak  The Hill
                    [category] => 5
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                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742900011
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            [94] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Live updates: Trump officials face fallout from military plans shared on messaging app
                    [sha] => 2387517881
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMifkFVX3lxTE9PQndtc1hCSHlzSzJEQzB1aUtxeGtLVnk5U3Jabmkzc21UdkF0ZVdTcWFhQ3FnZ1Y5M28xNDJ6MGFaSWMzUTBtZ0ZYYm96R1F4eTdqalRXcVluLTR5aEQzZmtWbE5mUy1xYy1NZXVSSENlM2F3TDQtVklVa2h4Zw?oc=5
                    [description] => Live updates: Trump officials face fallout from military plans shared on messaging app  The Washington Post
                    [category] => 1
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                    [date] => 1742899313
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            [95] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Live updates: Trump stands by national security adviser after military plans were shared on Signal
                    [sha] => 1533425061
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMifkFVX3lxTE9PQndtc1hCSHlzSzJEQzB1aUtxeGtLVnk5U3Jabmkzc21UdkF0ZVdTcWFhQ3FnZ1Y5M28xNDJ6MGFaSWMzUTBtZ0ZYYm96R1F4eTdqalRXcVluLTR5aEQzZmtWbE5mUy1xYy1NZXVSSENlM2F3TDQtVklVa2h4Zw?oc=5
                    [description] => Live updates: Trump stands by national security adviser after military plans were shared on Signal  The Washington Post
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742899313
                    [extra] => 0

            [96] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => US consumers slow spending as inflation bites, Synchrony says
                    [sha] => 594172675
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMipAFBVV95cUxOWmsyaUZYN1VCdl9VZ1FjU3ZPcDQtLVJ2M3NmRERoa1JiYW9zWXJYMHhzc0NXdzRiMGZ6S251ZkdxZTE5eU1zTW5ZWkNMTklqWlhsOUhfNkU0M0hlc1AwemZLT24xUmZFUXo2c0lSLVp4VVFXS3BkYVdrRHV5dDV5WGFJeUtvUjZCSHY1NVA5dHBlWDFyQ2V0eS1rVHF2UWYtdFlsbA?oc=5
                    [description] => US consumers slow spending as inflation bites, Synchrony says  Reuters
                    [category] => 3
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742898919
                    [extra] => 0

            [97] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => The United States puts unacceptable pressure on Greenland, Denmark says
                    [sha] => 2548148649
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMijgFBVV95cUxQQ1FSelpuZS1aRTBneDNkdV9XNkV1WWVYY0d4UlZqUlRuUkFOalZCdWJKbWR6N3R4NDJKRVZtOTJfZm1BYVNpaks2d2ZXN2dVN3RyaHktMk5OMXh0Y3RmTHBmYS12d0lxQnVGMS0yUUJNMVhGVEVvWnc5Sy1NRmtKZHZfS2VHcHU2VzBZR0xR?oc=5
                    [description] => The United States puts unacceptable pressure on Greenland, Denmark says  Yahoo
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742898911
                    [extra] => 0

            [98] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => ‘Over 1 Million’ People Wanted a Cybertruck. Where Are They?
                    [sha] => 4260637308
                    [url] => https://www.wired.com/story/where-did-the-one-million-people-who-wanted-a-cybertruck-go/
                    [description] => “Demand is off the charts!” Elon Musk crowed at the end of 2023, citing more than a million reservations for Tesla's polarizing polygonic pickup—so why has it still sold less than 50,000?
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742898600
                    [extra] => 0

            [99] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => USC's Rayah Marshall gets held back in heated moment after March Madness win
                    [sha] => 675869781
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/sports/uscs-rayah-marshall-gets-held-back-heated-moment-after-march-madness-win
                    [description] => USC Trojans women's basketball center Rayah Marshall needed to be held back after the team's win against the Mississippi State Bulldogs
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742898289
                    [extra] => 0


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