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Raul Rusescu, fără menajamente la GSP Live: „Șumudică e un copil răsfățat! Sunt niște lucruri pe care le

Raul Rusescu taxează comportamentul lui Marius Șumudică, după ce antrenorul Rapidului a amenințat cu demisia pentru că a fost lovit cu bulgări de zăpadă de unii dintre suporteri. Întrebat despre episodul tensionat din Giulești, din timpul partidei Rapid - FC Botoșani 1-0, Rusescu e de părere că Șumudică plătește tribut pentru acțiunile sale din ultimele luni. VIDEO. ...

Raul Rusescu criticized Marius Sumudica, the coach of Rapid, for the incident where Sumudica was hit with snowballs by fans during the match against FC Botosani. Rusescu believes Sumudica is facing consequences for his past actions, including when he was a TV analyst and criticized former coach Neil Lennon to secure the coaching position. Sumudica's tenure as coach was short-lived, leading to the incident. Rusescu suggested focusing on the team's performance rather than Sumudica's personal issues, though he acknowledged Rapid might still qualify for the playoffs.

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