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Sebastian Burduja nu știe de ce depozitele de gaze ale țării sunt goale, așa că, a sesizat DNA

Criza gazelor lipsă din depozitele naționale este departe de a se fi terminat. Ministrul Energiei nu știe de ce s-au golit rezervele strategice și a sesizat DNA ca să-i ofere un răspuns concret.

Sebastian Burduja, Romania's Minister of Energy, is seeking to address the depletion of the country's gas reserves, a situation he doesn't fully understand. He has involved the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) to investigate potential legal violations. A report by the Control Body revealed that in November 2024, four major clients exceeded their allowed gas extraction limits by over 15%, contributing to the reserves' depletion. Burduja has ordered an investigation into these findings. Additionally, the Control Body noted that Depogaz, the gas storage operator, did not formally oppose these over-extractions, which may have exacerbated the issue.

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