Women who reported a greater number of menopause symptoms scored worse on cognitive tests and were more likely to show signs of neuropsychiatric issues. Events
Recent studies suggest these common medications may pose a hidden risk to brain health Events
The long-term use of anti-inflammatory drugs could lower dementia risk, according to new research Events
Making some small changes to your lifestyle could have a significant impact on your cognitive health later in life. Events
Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia in the UK, but there are ways to lower your risk of developing it Events
Study has linked physical activity to lower risk of dementia, sleep disorders, other diseases Politics
The highest risk of dementia was found in people whose immune system aged faster than usual – not in people whose brains aged more rapidly. Events
Vaping may be more dangerous to the body than cigarettes - putting long-term users at risk of dementia, heart disease and organ failure, according to the author of a bombshell study Science
The long-term health damage caused by vaping may be worse than smoking, according to a world first study, with users at risk of dementia, heart disease and organ failure Science
Vaping may be worse for people’s long-term health than smoking, the author of a new study has claimed. Events