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Turcia face presiuni pentru dezarmarea „imediată” a PKK și a aliaților săi. Ecuație complicată chiar și după apelul istoric al liderului kurd Abdullah Ocalan

Turcia a insistat, joi, că Partidul Muncitoresc din Kurdistan (PKK) și toate grupările aliate cu această organizație trebuie să se dezarmeze și să se desființeze „imediat”, la o săptămână după apelul istoric pe care l-a…

Turkey is pressing for the immediate disarmament of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and its allied groups. The demand comes despite a recent historic call by PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan, who urged the group to dissolve and lay down its arms. The PKK, which has waged a decades-long insurgency against Turkey, has its leadership based in northern Iraq, with its fighters also part of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a key force in northeastern Syria. Turkey considers the SDF and the People's Protection Units (YPG) as extensions of the PKK and a strategic threat along its southern border. The Turkish government has warned that military operations against the PKK will continue if the group fails to honor its commitments. Turkey has conducted major military operations in northern Syria since 2016 to target PKK-affiliated groups. The SDF has rejected Turkey's demand, stating that Ocalan's call does not apply to their forces. Meanwhile, Iraq has expressed concern over the presence of both the PKK and Turkish forces on its territory.

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