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Ursula von der Leyen, atacată pe un subiect neașteptat: comerțul cu sclavi. Un lider din Caraibe solicită compensații financiare

Premierul Grenadei, Dickon Mitchell, a provocat-o public pe șefa Comisiei Europene, Ursula von der Leyen, să prezinte „scuze adecvate” și ca blocul comunitar să ofere compensații financiare pentru perioada istorică în care Europa a facilitat…

Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission, faced an unexpected challenge during a CARICOM conference in February 2025 when Dickon Mitchell, the Prime Minister of Grenada, demanded formal apologies and financial reparations from Europe for its historical role in the transatlantic slave trade. Mitchell, addressing von der Leyen directly, emphasized the need for Europe to recognize the transatlantic slave trade as a crime against humanity and to prevent its recurrence. He stressed that until Europe explicitly rejects the notion of human ownership, the risk of such atrocities resurfacing remains. Von der Leyen acknowledged slavery as a crime against humanity but did not commit to offering apologies or reparations.

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