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Verwaltungsgericht Stuttgart: Verfassungsschutz darf AfD in Baden

Seit 2022 stuft der Inlandsgeheimdienst die AfD in Baden-Württemberg als rechtsextremistischen Verdachtsfall ein. Mit einer Klage dagegen ist die Partei nun gescheitert - wieder einmal.

The Verfassungsschutz (domestic intelligence agency) in Baden-Württemberg is allowed to continue observing the AfD (Alternative for Germany party) as a suspected right-wing extremist case. The Administrative Court of Stuttgart rejected a lawsuit filed by the AfD, and the AfD previously suffered a defeat in an urgent procedure before the Administrative Court of Mannheim. The Verfassungsschutz has been monitoring the AfD since 2022, citing evidence of anti-constitutional efforts, specifically the espousal of an ethnic concept of the people.

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