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Bundesverfassungsgericht weist Eilanträge gegen Schuldenpaket ab

Der Bundestag kann am Dienstag wie von Union, SPD und Grünen geplant über Grundgesetzänderungen zu Schuldenbremse und Sondervermögen abstimmen. Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat Eilanträge gegen die Sondersitzung abgelehnt.

The German Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht) rejected emergency appeals against the planned vote on a financial package concerning the debt brake and special funds. The appeals were filed by members of the AfD, FDP, Left Party, BSW, and independent MP Joana Cotar. The court based its decision on a weighing of consequences, stating that the reasons for a temporary injunction did not outweigh the potential infringement on parliamentary autonomy and the risk of preventing future decisions on the legislation. Bayern will vote for the package in the Bundesrat.

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