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Liveticker Von Scholz zu Merz: Grüne beschließen eigenen Antrag für Änderung der Schuldenbremse

Linke klagen in Karlsruhe gegen Einberufung des alten Bundestags +++ Grüne: Nein zu Schuldenpaket im alten Bundestag +++ Dennoch heute Gespräche mit Union und SPD +++ alle Entwicklungen im Liveblog

The FDP proposed an alternative to a large special fund for infrastructure and loosening the debt brake for higher defense spending. The Left signaled willingness to reform the debt brake. Union and SPD are considering stripping German citizenship from dual-nationals who are terrorists, anti-Semites, or extremists. The Greens passed a motion to amend the debt brake to allow more defense spending, but want the exemption to apply only above 1.5% of GDP, unlike the Union and SPD proposal of 1%. The Greens do not support the infrastructure and defense package from Union and SPD and called for the Bundestag to address the infrastructure issues.

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