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Liveticker: Grüne wollen Klöckner nur einladen, wenn sie nicht mit der AfD spricht

Forderung an Unionskandidatin für Bundestagspräsidum +++ Koalitionsverhandler von Union und SPD sehen noch strittige Punkte +++ Bericht: Kritik an Saskia Esken in der SPD wird lauter +++ alle Entwicklungen im Liveblog.

Union and SPD negotiators still have points of contention. The Green Party is hesitant to invite CDU candidate Julia Klöckner if she intends to speak with the AfD before the parliamentary election. Klöckner is willing to speak with all factions, including the AfD, but there are no concrete plans due to scheduling conflicts. The SPD leader discussed low voter support in her constituency and the need for neighboring country consent for rejections. She also noted that the Bundestag fraction is only 25% women.

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