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Peter Krauth und Thomas Walter: Flüchtige Linksradikale wollen sich noch diese Woche in Berlin stellen

Weil sie einen Brandanschlag auf ein Abschiebegefängnis geplant haben sollen, sind Peter Krauth und Thomas Walter seit 1995 Jahren auf der Flucht. Nun kommen sie aus Venezuela zurück, um mit den Behörden zu kooperieren.

Peter Krauth and Thomas Walter, suspected members of the radical left-wing group "Das K.o.m.i.t.e.e.," plan to surrender to authorities in Berlin this week after being on the run since 1995 for allegedly planning an arson attack on a deportation prison. They are expected to travel from Spain to Germany. German authorities had previously offered them reduced sentences in exchange for turning themselves in. The General Public Prosecutor filed charges against them in January, and the trial is scheduled to begin on Monday, with a plea deal reportedly in place for a reduced sentence in exchange for a confession.

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