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Private Krankenversicherungen im Test: Stiftung Warentest – „Viele leisten sogar weniger als gesetzliche Krankenkassen“

Ein Test von Stiftung Warentest kritisiert private Krankenversicherungstarife als oft mangelhaft. Zwei Drittel fallen durch. Vor allem zwei Probleme fallen auf.

A study by Stiftung Warentest on private health insurance in Germany revealed that two-thirds of the 1,245 plans tested were not recommended, primarily due to high deductibles or gaps in coverage areas like psychotherapy, palliative care, orthodontics post-accidents, and digital health services. Among the 384 recommended plans, premium differences of up to 400 euros were noted without a proportional increase in coverage. The study warned that private insurance costs may rise with age, unlike statutory insurance, which is income-independent. It also found that 58% of private patients received appointments within a month, compared to 30% of statutory patients. Private insurance is advised for high-income individuals or those with state subsidies, such as public servants.

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