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Stiftung Warentest: Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung schlägt oft private

Das Ergebnis überrascht selbst die Prüfer: Laut Stiftung Warentest bieten viele private Krankenversicherungen nicht einmal die Leistungen der gesetzlichen Kassen. Weit vorn liegen sie bei kurzfristigen Facharztterminen.

The study by Stiftung Warentest reveals that statutory health insurance often offers better coverage than private insurance. Many private plans fail to meet the standards of statutory coverage, particularly in areas such as palliative care and digital health services. Out of 1245 plans reviewed, only a third were recommended. While private insurance may offer quicker appointments, it can also result in higher costs and financial risks. The study cautions against assuming private insurance provides more coverage simply because it is more expensive.

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