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Klinikchef im Interview: Ohne Migration stehen die Räder still

Das drittgrößte deutsche Uniklinikum kommt ohne Fachkräfte mit ausländischen Wurzeln nicht mehr aus. Sein Ärztlicher Geschäftsführer Ardeschir Ghofrani sagt: „Das gesamte Gesundheitswesen ist auf Anwerbung ­angewiesen.“

The director of a major university clinic emphasizes the critical role of migration in healthcare, noting that without foreign-trained staff, particularly in nursing, operations would cease. The article highlights the importance of language support and integration into the workforce and society. Hessian Economics Minister Kaweh Mansoori warns that discussions about illegal migration might harm efforts to attract skilled workers. The text underscores that without immigration, economic progress and the sustainability of social systems would be jeopardized. It also prompts reflection on the universal nature of migration. A video from the Darmstadt Clinic underscores that medical care in Germany relies heavily on a globally diverse workforce.

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