The force confiscated 36 space oil capsules, 327 grams of crack cocaine, 40 grams of cocaine and 2.3kg of Marijuana during the anti-triad operation. Events
Space Force Tested Payloads to Let Satellites Know When China Is Watching Air & Space Forces Magazine Politics
Space Force Secretly Tested Sensors that Alert When China Is Watching Air & Space Forces Magazine Events
Staff cuts under Pentagon’s hiring freeze straining ability to monitor foreign threats in orbit, Space Rapid Capabilities Office chief says. Events
Secret Space Force payloads monitor China’s satellite surveillance network, official says Breaking Defense Politics
China’s Exercises Start to Look More Like Operations, USSF Pacific Leader Says Air & Space Forces Magazine Politics
The US Space Force needs a 'warfighting ethos' and increased funding to compete with China in space: report Business Insider Events
New Report Critiques Space Force’s Theory for Countering China Air & Space Forces Magazine Politics
Report: Space Force strategy, resources insufficient to counter China SpaceNews Politics