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Unde va locui și ce titlu va purta Camilla după moartea Regelui Charles. Suveranul are un plan ca să

Fanii Casei Regale britanice se întreabă ce se va întâmpla cu Regina Camilla după moartea Regelui Charles al III-lea, bolnav în stadiu terminal de cancer. Se pare însă că monarhul are un plan bine pus […]

The article discusses the future of Camilla, wife of King Charles III, following his death, as he is in the terminal stages of cancer. King Charles has reportedly planned to ensure Camilla's role and residence remain secure after his passing. Currently, Camilla holds the title of Queen Consort, but upon Charles's death, she would typically be referred to as the "Queen Mother." However, it is revealed that she may instead retain the title of "Queen Consort" to maintain her symbolic role within the royal family. The article also mentions that Camilla's future role and benefits may depend on the decisions of King William V, who would ascend to the throne after Charles's death.

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