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Брнабиќ најави дека на следната седница ќе биде констатирана оставката на премиерот Вучевиќ

Брнабиќ претходно изјави дека седницата за разгледување на Предлогот за изменување и дополнување на Законот за високо образование ќе започне на 4 март, објави Телеграф. Таа на прес-конференција во српското Собрание рече дека оставката на Ву

Итог текста: - Брнабиќ announce that at the next session, the resignation of Premier Vučević will be confirmed. - The session for discussing the Proposal for amendment and addition to the Law on Higher Education will start on March 4, as reported by the Telegraph. - Brnabić stated that Vučević's resignation will be the last point on the agenda, as someone needs to defend the proposed laws. - Brnabić mentioned that the extended rector's council and the expert working group were invited twice to come to parliament to discuss the amendments to the Higher Education Law, but they refused and requested to talk with the Serbian government instead. - Therefore, the Serbian government must explain the law, which is why the resignation will be confirmed at the end of the session. Additional information: - A protest by education workers and students marching to Niš is mentioned in Belgrade. - The text also briefly mentions traffic without tolls on the road connecting Debar and Tirana.

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