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ОПЕК+ в феврале увеличила добычу на 300 тысяч б/с, превысив план

Страны ОПЕК+, участвующие в соглашении, в феврале увеличили добычу нефти на 313 тысяч баррелей в сутки - до 35,5 млн б/с, говорится в ежемесячном отчете ОПЕК.

As of March 12, 2025, OPEC+ increased oil production in February by 313,000 barrels per day, exceeding the planned output. OPEC members surpassed their required production level, primarily due to Gabon, Iraq, UAE, and Nigeria. Non-OPEC countries in the agreement increased production by 208,000 barrels per day but remained below their obligations, mainly due to Mexico, Azerbaijan, South Sudan and Sudan. Kazakhstan significantly exceeded its obligations. Iraq and Kazakhstan together exceeded obligations by 480,000 barrels per day and previously promised to compensate for all shortfalls by March 17th. OPEC now uses different sources for production data, excluding EIA and Rystad Energy, but adding Kpler, oilX, and ESAI.

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