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Karlsruhe: Bundesverfassungsgericht weist Klage gegen Solidaritätszuschlag ab

Seit Jahrzehnten gibt es Streit um den Soli. Unter anderem die FDP fordert schon länger seine vollständige Abschaffung. Nun gibt es eine höchstrichterliche Entscheidung.

The German Federal Constitutional Court rejected a complaint against the solidarity surcharge ("Solidaritätszuschlag"). Six FDP politicians, including former FDP faction leader Christian Dürr, failed in Karlsruhe with their constitutional complaint against the surcharge. While the court acknowledged that such a supplementary levy should not be collected indefinitely and could become unconstitutional if the initially determined additional need no longer exists, they found no violation of the general equality principle in this case. The surcharge was already abolished for 90% of taxpayers in 2021, and is now only paid by high earners, companies and investors.

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